Required equipments
Register ATIM ACW-XB on TTN
Raspberry Pi installation
CoDeSys installation
Create a CoDeSys project and check connection
Configure ModbusTCP polling
Cayenne LPP payload
Send payload to TTN
Cayenne myDevices
In this story, a Raspberry Pi is used as a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller).
Program inside Raspberry Pi is developped in ST language (Structured Text) with CoDeSys IDE.
ModbusTCP polling is used by Raspberry Pi (master) to read values (temperature, power consumption) from an IRIO (slave).
In IRIO, temperature is stored in IEEE format (2 Modbus registers) and power consumption is stored in one integer word (1 Modbus register).
Raspberry Pi uses a small ATIM LoRaWAN device (ACW-XB) to uplink data.
Payloads are uplinked to Cayenne myDevice server (via TTN) to be viewed.
For this purpose, payloads use Cayenne LPP format.