Unknown problem getting started

The other worrying thing to me is if you gateway is always connected to power and the internet, it should not connect and disconnect.

How do your gateway connect to the internet? fiber, 4G ???

Test from the same network your gateway is on the connectivity and latency.

Keep in mind the counters are reset everything the gateway disconnects. So if the last disconnect/connect listed is after the packets were received the counters should be zero.

Gateway still connected, no data received
Packets keep arriving

Microwaves. Thanks for the tool!

Around every 30 seconds
915MHz FSB2

In the case of the MKR WAN 1310 I only enabled channels 8 to 15 and 65

Is it these channels?


are these channels, here’s the webpage

Gateways remains the same. Always on, connected to the TTN


I referred you to the frequencies “The Thing Network” use, you need to check if the frequency correlate.

And I can see your gateway according to the stack is online and no up or down links

Exactly, the problem is that the gateway doesn’t upload the packages that receive.
The “packets up” are the ones that are being sent by the Arduino MKR WAN 1310 but not being uploaded by the gateway

Did you check if your node frequencies are correct?

The frequency is configurated directly on the TTN

in the picture above it is, also here, in the local webpage of the gateway, can be seen.

You need to double check the frequencies used on your node – Arduino MKR WAN 1310

Don’t help to post the same configuration of your gateway, I can see that from the stack

netID: "000013"
tenantID: "ttn"
id: "prueba98"
clusterID: "nam1.cloud.thethings.network"
updatedAt: "2022-04-10T20:46:37.734911Z"
antennaPlacement: "INDOOR"
antennaCount: 1
online: true
rxRate: 0
txRate: 0
region: "US_902_928"

Hello, I’m trying different codes and also searching for any new command for my MKR WAN 1310. I’ll give an update if I achieve something

Hello, I’ve tried many codes with the Arduino MKR WAN 1310 and nothing happens. Does any of you have experience with dragino LoRa shiel V1.4 and LG02 gateway?

LG02 is NOT a LoRaWAN Gateway it is a dual channel packet forwarder - (DCPF) - a reduced function media convertor type device taking in LoRa RF modulation and issuing IP based packets and is disruptive to other useers and should not be connected to TTN. Use for private LoRa-LoRa and P2P instances only. Use forum search for single or dual channel PFs…

Did you try Limic-node? There are 6 thing you need to check.

The id, 3 of them - App eii, Dev eui and App key ( make sure you have the correct format)

The region settings for the frequency

And the pin connections for the Arduino to the shield (I suspect this is where your problem is)

And then make sure your applications is set correctly.

If your node is transmitting and one of your settings is incorrect, you will see activity on the Ttn gateway console, may be not connecting to your application, but you will see something

@lorawantesis2022 has posted screen shots of a Kickstarter Gateway earlier. It also shows packets going up but not down. This tells me his gateway server and access key are probably ok.

His screen shot of the TTN Gateway Console does not show his packets getting into the gateway console log although the log shows the gateway connects (except when he switches it off).

Surely the gateway is just using MQTT to send the uplink to the servers? What could stop that? Are the keys checked before forwarding to the application. If so that would suggest his TTN keys may be incorrectly entered on his device.

Please confirm that you have tried using LMIC-node, as asked, and that you have checked your keys are correct note that, below, two DEVEUI and APPEUI are in lsb format but APPKEY is in msb format

// Keys required for OTAA activation:

// End-device Identifier (u1_t[8]) ** in lsb format**
#define OTAA_DEVEUI 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

// Application Identifier (u1_t[8]) **in lsb format**
#define OTAA_APPEUI 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

// Application Key (u1_t[16]) **in msb format**
#define OTAA_APPKEY 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00


I broadly agree……though even if mis-matched keys for node some traffic should still show in gw console, it just wouldn’t be forwarded to application/device console view……I asked >3days ago for full info on device/config, firmware/setting etc. for the node but no info given….just rat-holing on poss GW issues. GW h/w looks ok, gw sw looks ok (right revision) so unless mis configured there is another issue, can’t be a generic problem otherwise many more of the hundreds of KSGWs out there would be screaming too!...with backhaul problem giving NS connection issue….gw ‘thinks’ it has received and ‘uplinked’ traffic, so far screen shots of console say otherwise (unless I’ve missed one), though as Jac pointed out up/down values may be zero due to each new session resetting (pity gw traffic counts etc. don’t persist in V3 in the way they used to for V2 - we lost a valuable measurement & debug assist tool). If node restarted and running OTAA we would then expect to see at least one downlink (JA) as well as at least one uplink(JR)….but showing no useable posts so far and no node details per request hence I switched off from thread engagement….my psychic powers are very limited :wink:

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@Jeff-UK as you

I posted the device configuration, firmware, and settings, in the same image you can see device configuration. The only thing that I can modify are these:

on the console of the TTN interface.

The arduino code is here:

#include <MKRWAN.h>
//#include "arduino_secrets.h"

LoRaModem modem;

// Enter your sensitive data in the secret tab or arduino_secrets.h
String appEui = "0000000000000000";
String appKey = "DF0263503B4F74BA8854724C548C3966";

void setup() {
  // Initialize serial port at 9600 bauds
  while (!Serial);
  // Initialize LoRa module with the AU915-928 region parameters
  if (!modem.begin(US915)) {
    Serial.println("Failed to start module");
    while (1) {}

  // Device module version and EUI
  Serial.print("Your module version is: ");
  Serial.print("Your device EUI is: ");

  // Enable AU915-928 channels
  // LoRaWAN® Regional Parameters and TTN specification: channels 8 to 15 plus 65 
  modem.sendMask("ff0000000000c00000020000");//ff0000000000c00000020000, ff000000f000ffff00020000

void join() {
  // Try to connect
  int connected = modem.joinOTAA(appEui, appKey);
  if (!connected) {
    Serial.println("Something went wrong, retrying...");

void loop(){}

Arduino MKR WAN 1310 firmaware is 1.2.3

I’m going to test with LMIC library, just need to find out which are the pins

Can you show the permissions you assigned to the API key you created for the gateway?