Starting a new topic as new user

hello guys, I know it has nothing to do with what I’m going to say here but, I’m developing a project with Lora for the first time and I have a question, how do I create a new question here on this forum?

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Click on the “The Things Network” icon on the top left of this page. The front page will open and it has a “+New Topic” in the top right corner

Keep in mind:

  1. You need to spend some time on the forum before you are allowed to start a new topic.
  2. This forum is dedicated to TTN which is LoRaWAN, not plain Lora.
  3. Hijacking someones topic is frowned upon. We’ll let it slip this time but keep this in mind.

okay!! Thanks for that info

How long do you need to spend on the forum before being able to start topics and questions ?
I’ve got some questions.

Firstly view a few more topics than just the 3 you have looked at so far and including this one you have been able to post to!

Secondly, it is unusual these days to find a totally new topic or set of questions unless associated with e.g. a relatively new device that hasnt been covered before.

Therefore, use Forum Search extensively before attempting to post a new questions/start a new thread as likely you will either a) find an answer already or 2 at least find a topic that is close such that you can post without hijacking a thread - as you have managed to post here :slight_smile: After a short while creating new topics will open up to you - dont believe we publish a ‘when and how’ limits as the spammers - of whome we mods have to deal with many every day - will simply start to game the system :wink:

Significantly more than the 7 minutes the system currently attributes to you.

Hi Jeff
Thanks for the information. I’ve been browsing without logging into the forum. I will keep on reading till I can post my question.

Did that myself for months before finally registering many years ago and then problem of cant post untill. :rofl. System will only register your activity (per Jac) when logged in so guess we have a lesson & advice for all other would be users :rofl:

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