This may be too incomplete to be useful for you yet, I fear, and may not be the kind of solution you’re looking for, but I modified the ttn-gateway code for lora_pkt_fwd to store encrypted packets from the gateway server as they’re passed on to the TTN network. The packets are stored with datetime and devadr stamps but are AES encrypted. I got interrupted before I could figure out which AES algorithm to use to decrypt the packets (using separately-maintained decryption keys, with a separate program, in C). I think I’ve got a Python version that would work, but I haven’t tried it yet.
I added objects to local-conf.json to provide parameters for the database storage. The lora_pkt_fwd code that stores the packets can store to either a sqlite3 database (locally) or mysql database (locally or remotely), but that option is a compile-time option, not a runtime option. The database entries are inserted into a table with the following schema:
Packet CHAR(341) );
DTS is Unix Epoch Time; DevAdr is the device address; pSize is the size of the data packet; Packet is the encrypted packet; the packet is decoded from Base64 but not decrypted.
My intention was to finish up the packet retrieval and decryption program, then package it up and make it available. I’ve avoided changing the functionality of the lora_pkt_fwd code, so my plan was to distribute my code as a patch on the lora_pkt_fwd code, if I can figure out how to do that. To run it, just turn off the local storage from the local-conf.json file if you just want the TTN packet-forwarding functionality; turn it on by setting the parameters in local-conf.json if you want to add local storage.
I also had to modify the Makefile to accommodate the compile-time options and use of sqlite3 or mysql libraries. I built it as a tree “ttn-storer”, parallel to “ttn-forward” under /opt on my Raspberry Pi, and I created a .service file for it so it’s managed by systemd in place of ttn-forward. But overall, not many changes from the source distribution on github outside of the additions to the C code in lora_pkt_fwd.c.
There are any number of potential problems with the code I’ve written – mostly with throughput. I only have two LoRaWAN nodes in my LoRaWAN working radius – mine! Under load, the database storage part would likely become a bottleneck and need some reworking. I didn’t add any filtering for device addresses, either: it stores whatever is being forwarded to TTN. If you’re in a densely-LoRaWAN-populated area, you might want to filter to store just the packets from your devices to avoid throughput problems.
Anyway, I was just getting ready to go back to this project. If this is the sort of thing you have in mind, let me know and I’ll happily share what I’ve got (acknowledging at the outset that I own the rights to none of that lora_pkt_fwd code!
). Unfortunately, it’s not well documented yet, either, though if you know how to “make”, can edit a .json file, and know some sql, you’d get started quickly.
I had originally planned to use MQTT to catch and log those packets, but I had no experience with MQTT. I decided the complexity of learning, setting up, and maintaining that in the long term was greater than just logging the code from the forwarder and would be a distraction from the sensor node work that I really wanted to do. And I learned a lot about the forwarder and TTN from the exercise.
But if you find or can quickly develop a viable MQTT solution, that might be a better bet for you right now.