Fantastic ideas all around here and so great to learn what everyone is implementing.
After much searching and internal turmoil I found a simple “serverless” solution which fits well to my personal needs.
My flow entire flow is
(Device) -> (Gateway) -> (TTN) -> (TTN HTTP integration) -> (Google function - python) -> (Google Bigquery)
I have found this works quite well as a “serverless” option in the cloud. Within the google function I am checking devices off a whitelist or blacklist, decoding their payloads and metadata, then saving the resulting data into a row of a Bigquery database using a pre-defined schema.
The billing model for these services is quite consistent and cost-competitive. For anyone else with consistent sensor payloads and an attraction to “serverless” options, this may be of interest.
Hi @tomascharad, here is a version of the function with our specific info / sensor stuff stripped out. I left in a temperature data point in addition to the TTN metadata.
Function in python 3.9
from flask import Response
from import bigquery
bqClient = bigquery.Client() #persistent object as our big query client
#to simplify our strings
DATASET_PREFIX = "sensor-data-ttn.sensorDataset"
#devices to ignore completely
"sensor-2" #this will turn off storage for this device
"sensor-1": DATASET_PREFIX + ".internal-test_base"
DATASET_PREFIX + ".internal_base": bqClient.get_table(DATASET_PREFIX + '.internal_base')
def insertTupleRowDataIntoTable(table_id, arrayOfTupleRowData):
# pass - if running locally
#look up the table object based on its table_id
#insert our array of tuple data into this table
errors = bqClient.insert_rows(TABLE_ID_TO_TABLE_OBJECT_MAP[table_id], arrayOfTupleRowData)
if( errors != [] ):
raise Exception("Could not find requested table '{}', or perhaps we're not authorized".format(table_id))
#For Canopy v4 and associated table schema, including enhanced air sensor fields to be null
#input JSON from a sensor and it will output the exact schema to send to SQL table
def convertSensorJSONIntoSchemaTuple(rawJSON):
return [
(rawJSON["end_device_ids"]["device_id"], # dev-id
rawJSON["uplink_message"]["rx_metadata"][0]["time"], # time - for first gateway
rawJSON["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]["sensorType"], # sensorType
rawJSON["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]["ambientTemperatureInC"] # ambientTemperatureInC
def httpHandler(request):
try: #everything in a try block
jsonData = request.get_json(silent=True) #turn request into json
print("Raw JSON payload received: " + str(jsonData))
#if the port is not "1", then we don't care about this message
if jsonData["uplink_message"]["f_port"] != 1:
print("Ignoring message with unexpected port #{}".format(jsonData["port"]))
return f'Ignored port'
#if this device is in our blacklist / ignore list
if jsonData["end_device_ids"]["device_id"] in DEVICE_BLACKLIST:
print("Ignoring device '{}' in blacklist".format( jsonData["end_device_ids"]["device_id"] ))
return f'Ignored device'
# Map dev_id to table it should go to. whitelist
table_id = DEVICE_TO_TABLE_ID_MAP[ jsonData["end_device_ids"]["device_id"] ]
print("dev_id {} not found in LUT. Ignoring".format( jsonData["end_device_ids"]["device_id"] )) #if it fails, raise an exception
return f'OK' # if everything goes ok
# raise Exception("dev_id '{}' not found in LUT".format(jsonData["end_device_ids"]["device_id"]))
#map sensor type to a converter function
if jsonData["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"]["sensorType"] == "mySensorType":
tupleOfSensorData = convertSensorJSONIntoSchemaTuple(jsonData)
#put other sensor type cases here
else: #default case
print("Unrecognized sensorType")
return f'OK' # if everything goes ok
# raise Exception("Unrecognized sensorType")
#if we're here, everything has gone very well
#we recognize this sensor, we have its data formatted correctly for a table
#and now it's time to store that data into a table
print("Storing device '{}' data into table '{}':". \
format(jsonData["end_device_ids"]["device_id"], table_id)
+ str(tupleOfSensorData) )
insertTupleRowDataIntoTable(table_id, tupleOfSensorData)
return f'OK' #if everything goes ok
except Exception as e: #if anything fails at all just return a 403
print("Some kind of exception occurred: " + str(e) )
return Response("403 Forbidden", status=403, mimetype='text/plain')