RAK 7200 tracker

The docs show a block diagram with a MPU9250 - a fairly typical module - how good do you need it to be, the datasheet will probably give the info you need.

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Ah okay. Must have skipped it while readingā€¦ Thanks!


I am on the current firmware. The device is next to the window, but I do not get any GPS data. I set the GPS timeout to 180 seconds already. Has someone any suggestions?

Maybe a few additional details:

===============Device Status List================
Board Core:  S76G_B
LoRa chip:  SX1276

Battery Voltage = 3.890 V 
Support Gps:true
gps_timeout: 180s
gps_format:standard LPP format 
No signal with Satellite.

and when it comes to viewing the current GPS data:

FAIL.The Satellite signal not found!

Also, after looking in the at+help I need some help. Is there a way to get a further description of the commands? Something like man man just with at+helpā€¦?


Take the tracker outdoors so the GPS has a good view of the sky.

Hi @LoRaTracker,

thank you, directly under the sky it did work. Though I cannot say that I am satisfied with the solution. I wanted to put the tracker into a wooden sailing boat. Do you think it will come through a bit of pine?

I opened the box up to check for an antenna and noticed that there is none except the chip. Would it be worth trying adding one? Do you have any recommandations or even manuals?

Thanks a lot again for the quick response. For now it works so I can stop for today.


GPSs have to work with very weak signals, so may not work well indoors, next to windows, or in thick boxes. The only way to find out is to try, you have the GPS after all.

I doubt the GPS has no antenna, it would be unlikely to work without one and neither have I ever seen the inside of a RAK Tracker.

There should be a 15mm x15mm lozenge ant for the gps as below

And a small pcb patch ant for LoRa similar to

Though actual design may vary and have seem small stumpy stick ants with some RAK bds.

And there looks like there maybe u.fl pads for a for an external GPS antenna ?

For the LoRa Ant?!

I dont have a 7200 but previous gen 5205ā€™s shipped with both LoRa and and GPS Ants on short pig-tails (u.fl or SMA options were available) suspect image just shows lozenge placementā€¦still using pigtail connection?

No, for the GPS, top right.

Ah rightā€¦the unpopulated pads! Guess I need to pull an actual photo to check :wink:

For follow on readers there is more on this tracker - inc photos - here (basically higher up this thread - around Aug/Sept '19 :slight_smile:

Thats them, most likely intended for an external powered GPS antenna.

Thanks for clearification. Wasnā€™t sure if the square alone already contains/is the antenna :slight_smile:

Is there a way to increase the send rate? At the moment I recieve results every 5-6 seconds

You mean decrease?

If youā€™re doing that all day long, then even when sending only 1 byte of application payload (hence 14 bytes for the full LoRaWAN packet), on the fastest data rate, TTN will only allow for 2 messages per minute.

And you could be breaching the legal limit (1% duty cyle) of what you can send in an hour, worst case in 2 minutes, best case 42 minutes.



Use the serial tool to send at+set_config=lora:send_interval:1:XXX where XXX is the number of seconds between sends.


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Ping on this. open and close is enable disable, but what about the other two?

As RAK have had a big make-over on the documentation, thereā€™s only 0 (close) and 1 (open) listed, but no sleep or standby options listed.

From experience, itā€™s worth a try to see how the command responds, but reality is that RAK are the subject matter experts so Iā€™d carry on over on their forum.


As you can see I have 2 trackers 7200 with external antenna. After collecting dust for a while they are now back in business for some experiments. I discovered that one of them was working fine, providing nicely every 1 minute a GPS coordinate during my walk around the block, the other one did not and was a bit lost for most of the time. I discovered on the debug terminal that one device was falling asleep all the time while the other one stayed awake. It really took me a very long time to discover that there is a not-documented feature to disable sleep-mode which is : at+setconfig=lora:send_interval:2:XX (see top of this subject)

My question : Is there a complete list of commands, options, settings and hidden features for the 7200 ? Google brings me to all kinds of lists more or less the same but not always so where can I find it?


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