RAK 7200 tracker


Hello everyone, I am very new and inexperienced and was wondering if you could help me configure and optimize airtime for an asset tracking application.
So far I have disabled the sensors and left only GPS and Voltage.
But whether I change data_rate, ch_mask, or Adr doesn’t seem to affect anything. I’m getting a SF12 125khz and 1155ms which is too much…
I’m pasting some status info below:

OK Work Mode: LoRaWAN
Region: EU868
Send_interval: 3600s
Auto send status: true.
Send_interval work at no sleep.
Join_mode: ABP
Class: A
Joined Network:true
IsConfirm: unconfirm
AdrEnable: false
EnableRepeaterSupport: false
Current Datarate: 3
Primeval Datarate: 3
ChannelsTxPower: 0
UpLinkCounter: 1
DownLinkCounter: 0
OK *0,on,868100000,0,5; *1,on,868300000,0,5; *2,on,868500000,0,5; *3,on,0,0,0; 4,off,0,0,0; 5,off,0,0,0; 6,off,0,0,0; 7,off,0,0,0; *8,on,867100000,0,5; *9,on,867300000,0,5; *10,on,867500000,0,5; *11,on,867700000,0,5; *12,on,867900000,0,5; 13,off,0,0,0; 14,off,0,0,0; 15,off,0,0,0

Any help much appreciated !

Welcome to the TTN Forum :slight_smile:

I dont have a 7200 to play with myself (others may chime in) but:

Have you registered you device under V2 or V3 console?
If V2

Is fine but for V3 this needs to be 5sec.

Also for RX2

DR should not be DR0 (SF12) in TTN we use SF9 (DR3) for the RX2 exchange. Devices should not be permitted to join at SF12.

Recommend you try OTAA vs ABP, esp in V3.

What have you programmed in for DevAddr? How generated? 00 or 01 ok for experimental nodes but TTN assigns you a DevAddr 26 xx xx xx. Note no point masking this in posts as it is Tx’d as part of any msg and visible publically in any receiving GW logs :wink:

Once corrected try with ADR and device in fixed location for a time - how long are you waiting for SF change? IIRC ADR kicks in around 20 msgs under V2 - keep device say 10-200m from GW in LOS and see how it behaves over time. ADR on a tracker doesnt make sense, however, for field use as, being a mobile device, it may quickly move out of range of any lower SF’s automatially set under ADR and then needs to re-adjust and play catch up - loosing track info and if too far out perhaps not re-connecting! (esp wre RX2 is at SF9).

Thank you @Jeff-UK !
I’ve registered the device on TTN V2, I was unable to establish a connection with OTAA (5 tries and fail, no idea why) so I used ABP which worked from the first try. My DevAddr is 260131CE. So far I am testing in a fixed location and I had ADR enabled (I only recently disabled it trying different settings). I don’t know why DR0 doesn’t change to DR3, I tried enabling it with “at+set_config=lora:dr:3”, is there some other setting I can try ? Cheers

Make sure you are not too close - potentially swamping RF front ends - as above. If <20m and certainly <10m have a wall or two or other absorbers inbetween node & GW for testing :wink:

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