Move your TTIG to V3: YES!

Paging Krishna @KrishnaIyerEaswaran2 can you see activity for this TTIG in the backend? Green Led means it thinks it is connected?..EUI-58A0CBFFFE8030BD

…and you power cycled?

Yes, 3 times already

Would you recommend to completely delete it from my console, hard reset it, reconfigure and claiming it again?

After authorizing the gateway claiming with

ttn-lw-cli gateways claim authorize ttig-snorkman

and a factory reset, the device successfully connects.
Thanks for all the support

Looks like I have somehow orphaned TTIG with eui = 58a0cbfffe80251d . I had it working on V2 last year, but I don’t seem to have permission to authorize it for claiming in V3.

What messages are you seeing when you try to claim it?

Also if it was live on V2 it would likely have been automigrated (back in Dec/Jan)…. Do you not see it in your gw list?

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error:pkg/auth/rights:no_gateway_rights (no rights for gateway 58a0cbfffe80251d@ttn)

No, it does not show up in my gw list.

Have you typed the EUI correctly - I see that was under user name ‘radiobrige’ for old V2 using the old V2 US West router - is that your User ID on main site vs Forum?

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This gateway is also registered on V3. The ID is eui-58a0cbfffe80251d and it’s owned by user radiobrige.

Thanks for the clue. I do have an account with which was handling some integrations with their sensors. I will see if I can disassociate the gateway from that site and try to register it again on V3.

Best approach to avoid risk of orphaning it is 1st add new user as collaborator/owner then 2nd delete old collaborator/owner, otherwise you risk no one having control and you are then dependent in good will of TTI core team to step in and sart fiddling…always a reluctant task for obvious reasons :wink:

Likely you will see it was auto-migrated under old user…can you check listing there?

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No luck with the site. The “radiobrige” user that apparently “owns” it is not me. I assume that is the company account and I haven’t found any way to get them to give it back to me.

Ah, if its Radiobridge the company rather than you as an individual user with that user name its a bit more complex. Radiobridge is part of Multitech - who do their own GW’s BTW - do you have a proof of purchase that you own the GW - you may be able to pursuade the TTI team to effect a transfer, but 1st step is probably to contact Multitech support and explain your story and how you came to ‘own’ it - if indeed you do…did you lease it or take a connnectivity/monitoring package from them (Radiobridge, rather than actually buying it as a direct transfer of ownership and title transaction?) - possibly under their IOT as as Service offering - from memory they offered a no up front capital cost service offering where you payed over time and they deployed (but then owned) based on ‘your’ requirements… dd you take the offer personally or was is company you were/are working for? That will be another wrinkle in the way f you taking ownership! Good luck…

Oh and have you contacted

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Whatever these radiobridge guys are doing, they do seem to be actively managing this gateway, since it got re-registered (with the same EUI, but a different ID) today.

Thanks for all the support. When I started this project a couple of years ago, I purchased the gateway from Adafruit and a variety of sensors from other suppliers. One of those was a RadioBridge sensor. When I setup the RadioBridge sensor, I created an account on their site and added the gateway information to register it with TTN. Apparently, they registered it in their name as if they own it. Today, I went to their site and deleted the gateway thinking that might release it. When that did not work, I added it back to my account on their site with a new ID. Now that I know what is happening, maybe I can either get it to work again through their site or get them to give it back to me so I can register it in my name. I ended up using Dragino sensors instead, so I really don’t need to be going through RadioBridge.

Add those two pieces of information together and it may be that the gateway is deleted from TTN when you delete it from RadioBridge. That’s the only way it could have been removed & then put back on as described by Hylke.

Once you’d deleted it on RadioBridge, how did you try to get it on to TTN - exactly which buttons did you press and exactly which messages came up that told you no-go?

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I was using the CLI. I did go back and notice that the error message changed from “gateway_not_authorized” to “no_user_rights” when I deleted it from RadioBridge. I tried it again and it worked! I now have it successfully registered on TTN. Thanks for all the help!

Hello friends,

i am having problems claiming one of my TTIG gateways.
Unfortunately it does not forward received packets to ttnv3.

I reset the gateway and check the claim code via UART. The Code is right, the same error.

how do i get the gateway to work?

ttn-lw-cli gateways search --eui-contains → gives an empty list

ttn-lw-cli gateways claim authorize 58a0cbfffe801ab3

INFO No API Key provided. Creating one
WARN Finished unary call {“duration”: 0.0503, “error”: “error:pkg/auth/rights:no_gateway_rights (no rights for gateway 58a0cbfffe801ab3@ttn)”, “error_correlation_id”: “f9381edd5d72432dbf81c79965566bbf”, “error_name”: “no_gateway_rights”, “error_namespace”: “pkg/auth/rights”, “grpc.method”: “CreateAPIKey”, “grpc.service”: “ttn.lorawan.v3.GatewayAccess”, “grpc_code”: “PermissionDenied”, “namespace”: “grpc”, “request_id”: “b5e37b2c-7221-44af-a9d6-bfd2b173e033”, “uid”: “58a0cbfffe801ab3@ttn”}
error:pkg/auth/rights:no_gateway_rights (no rights for gateway 58a0cbfffe801ab3@ttn)

\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.006 [SYS:DEBU] ======= VER ======
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.008 [SYS:DEBU] Station Version   2.0.0(minihub/debug)
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.010 [SYS:DEBU] Version Commit    e17c5af
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.014 [SYS:DEBU] Station Build     2018-12-06 09:30:37
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.020 [SYS:DEBU] Firmware Version  2.0.0
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.025 [SYS:DEBU] FW Flavor ID      semtech0
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.031 [SYS:DEBU] Model             minihub
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.036 [SYS:DEBU] ======= SYS ======
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.041 [SYS:DEBU] CPU Freq          80 / 80000000 / 80000000
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.048 [SYS:DEBU] Random Number     1197646817
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.053 [SYS:DEBU] Reset cause       4
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.058 [SYS:DEBU] Booting USER_BIN  1
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.063 [SYS:DEBU] FW start addr     0x00001000
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.069 [SYS:DEBU] SDK version       2.0-dev(9ec59b5)
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.075 [SYS:DEBU] Free Heap Startup 56160 bytes
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.081 [SYS:DEBU] ======= MFG ======
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.086 [SYS:DEBU] SN                TBMH100868004744
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.092 [SYS:DEBU] MTIME             2019-09-19 10:47:28
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.098 [SYS:DEBU] PERSO_HASH        0xfcd3e0c8
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.107 [SYS:DEBU] AP_PW             yfqJ****
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.109 [SYS:DEBU] AP MAC            58:A0:CB:80:1A:B3
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.115 [SYS:DEBU] EUI               58-A0-CB-FF-FE-80-1A-B3
\n1970-01-01 00:00:00.122 [SYS:DEBU] STA MAC           CC:50:E3:D8:75:3C
2022-05-29 18:12:02.620 [S2E:VERB] RX 868.3MHz DR5 SF7/BW125 snr=9.2 rssi=-24 xtime=0xE000000314204B - jreq MHdr=00 JoinEui=70b3:d57e:d000:9736 DevEui=70b3:d549:9162:5ed6 DevNonce=3915 MIC=1421023314
\n2022-05-29 18:12:02.720 [SYS:DEBU]   Free Heap: 37496 (min=25936) wifi=5 mh=7 cups=8 tc=4

This seems rather complicated / over-thought. And claim authorize is a command to allow someone else to claim a gateway - it’s not you claiming it.

Claiming is using the EUI and the WiFi password that is printed on the label on the outside of the TTIG.

Having access to the UART isn’t mainstream, it’s OK, but may be misleading you to over interpret the information.

Please can you simplify back to the ‘normal’ by using the console claim button and if that doesn’t work, posting the error message verbatim, using the </> tool on the tool bar.