Yabby Lorawan Help

Hi, hope someone can point me in the right direction. You’ll have to excuse my lack of knowledge. This has been some learning process.

Anyhow, I have a Yabby LoraWAN gps tracker.
It was working perfectly until I started fiddling and now it doesn’t work.

In order to get it working again I deleted the device and the gateway, I now think this was an error.

I reinstated the device to TTN in the hope it would work again, it didn’t.

If I goto my end device in console, simulate an up link and then look at the live data part, I see this section

rx_metadata": [
“gateway_ids”: {
“gateway_id”: “test”
“rssi”: 42,
“channel_rssi”: 42,
“snr”: 4.2

The part that says gateway_id “test”

Well, that gateway no longer exists and I’m wondering if this is why my tracker isn’t working.

How do I change the gateway part to say, nothing at all,

Has my very very limited knowledge found my problem or am I rowing the wrong way up the river?

Thanks for any pointers.

Did you power cycle the Yabby? After you deleted it and re-created it in your application.

Do you have your own gateway, or do you rely on a community gateway? And how far away is the gateway?

Hi, I have two Sensecap Helium Miners providing my hotspots.

I have one at home here where the tracker is now and another at a farm about 800 meters away next to the field where I was tracking a Cow.

I have had the battery’s removed for some hours and refitted them but Im still stuck.

If you look in the gateway logs, cycle the power of the Yabby, can you see the join request?

Hi, no, I cant see a join request.

I haven’t setup a gateway this time around, I did try set the second one as ‘test’ but was unable to do that.

My hot spots dont have eui numbers for one to be properly set up.

Helium miners connected to TTN? If not you should probably be looking at Helium for your data, not at TTN.

When you simulate an uplink from the Console, that has nothing to do with your physical device. It just injects a fake uplink message into the system, allowing you to test your payload formatters, integrations, etc. The rx_metadata you’re seeing is faked by the uplink simulation. The “test” gateway ID never existed (and never will, because it’s blocked from registration) and is only used for this fake metadata.