Wisgate Edge Lite 2 won't connect to TTN

Hi All!

New to LoRaWAN, been researching for the past 8 months and playing around with a Pi gateway for a couple months but now playing with the Arduino WisGate Edige Lite 2 with RAK7268.
I follow this exactly: https://docs.arduino.cc/tutorials/wisgate-edge-lite-2/getting-started/
But I just can’t get it connected. I’m in the US and been making sure I pick the correct settings for myself but I just can connect to TTN.
Has anyone exprience this?

Arduino, whilst it may list it or even have supplied it, has pretty much nothing to do with getting a RAK Wireless product connected to TTN, so I’d concentrate on the documentation from RAK and TTN.

TTN docs here: RAK7240 WisGate Edge Prime | The Things Stack for LoRaWAN - observe the second sentence in the second paragraph.

Plus the gateway manufacturer: RAK7268V2/RAK7268CV2 WisGate Edge Lite 2 | RAKwireless Documentation Center

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Hey @descartes

Thanks for sharing this information. This is outdated (I’m new and just starting but realized a lot of documentation is from 2019-2022) and similar to the instructions for the actual unit on the RAK site which is a mirror on the Ardunio site.
I’ve been setting it up per instructions as a Basics Station using the LNS settings.
The past hour I decided to try DataCake using the Packet forwarder work mode. That worked flawlessly and instantly.
So far I’ve tested
Balena + TTS(I thought TTN was correct) with Pi 5 + RAK5146
ChripStack + Pi + TTS
ChirpStack + Wisgate edge lite 2 + TTS
and…just no luck. But then again, it was all as a Basics Station and not packet forward.

What is outdated?

An impossible combination of two LoRaWAN Network Server’s


Chirpstack is off topic for this TTI funded forum.

The concepts shown on the TTS docs site and the RAK documentation should be the ones to refer to - they may have been written a couple of years back so the TTS UI has changed since, but the boxes to fill in are all still there.

Hey @descartes

Sorry I don’t know how to quote on this.

  1. Saying “outdated” may not be correct, sorry. I meant that what it references like version, firmware and TTNv2 and not v3. But I was able to figure those out. My problem is I decided to use much of the latest hardware which isn’t fully supported except the Wisgate Edge Lite 2.
  2. Just now realising that lol. My bad. Not sure what I was following then.
  3. Sorry for mentioning CS.

The updated documentation is on the Ardunio site and I’ve read through the RAK site too and understood what it was refering to. Just no connection. I wish I can provide more info but I’m not getting any kind of message or error to reference.
Only thing I could think of is:

  1. Maybe I’m not picking the right Frequecy Plan? Couldn’t find info about “FSB” but I did choose US where I’m located. I tried 1,5,8
  2. Other thing is maybe I didn’t use the correct port for the LNS? lots of documents refer to EU so I assumed there’s a dedicated one for US but I kept inputting 8887.

Nope, still no idea what “it” is that is outdated! Arduino docs? TTI docs? RAK docs?

What is this latest hardware which isn’t fully supported?

If you are using TTN then you should use the one marked “used by TTN”, anything else is doomed to failure for US users.

The internet is globally connected but at present you need to add 25% to the port number …

Hey @descartes

  1. IT = RAK docs and some TTN docs, sorry. I’m sure there’s been a mass rush of development and propably get a huge overhaul when the dust calms.
  2. Like the Pi 5 and RAK5146, other items too but I can’t keep track ha.
  3. So that would be FSB 2, I’ll give that a try once I get this Arduino MKR ENV working.
  4. That’s true, just wasn’t sure if there’s any that is recommended by TTN.
    1. Erm, mostly the TTI docs are up to date for TTI related items - there may be some UI changes in the RAK interface they haven’t caught up with and conversely, there may be the latest TTS console updates that haven’t made it to the RAK docs.
    1. The Pi5 is a compute platform, it’s more about availability of software / drivers and compatibility with hardware like the gateway concentrator. Most of which is driven by the reference software from Semtech. RAK have provided docs for setup of the RAK5146 and Pi is rather hot on compatibility.
  • 3a. To clarify, you are using TTN but you didn’t use the ‘use TTN’ option.
  • 3b. If you are using a MKR ENV on top of a MKR WAN, then oh dear. Any cursory research would have found some pretty forthright views on the MKR WAN. Stick to v1 firmware.
    1. TTN is provided by TTI who develop TTS that aims to be 100% LoRaWAN specification compliant. As such there’s no random choices here.

LoRaWAN is totally non-trivial and, like Shrek, has many layers - hacking around the docs is the long road and not having solid foundations makes for technical Jenga. It’s also long term stuff, so docs change but the specification stands so some translation & interpretation is frequently required. Because of all the moving parts, the Tortoise always beats the Hare, slow & steady wins the race.