Which forum to ask details about Channel Activity Detection (CAD)?

I wanted to ask some detailed questions about CAD, and I found a small number of threads here, such as CAD function, that were abruptly shutdown and closed, saying that it was off-topic and this wasn’t the right forum for that. OK, I respect that, but may I at least kindly please ask where would be the right forum to post about that? This is regarding an SX1280. Briefly: I have CAD working on it, as shown by PPK2 (see below), but it seems not to be setting the IRQ flags to show either a CAD detection or a CAD timeout… I guess I’m overlooking something, so I’m simply looking for a working example. Any pointers on where to look, or where would be a good forum (not here, apparently) to post regarding this? If that is answered, then future readers of this forum will find this post and won’t need/want/accidently post the same question, so it will serve the greater good and be a win-win all around.


Kind regards.

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There are many other forums that Google can help you find on the subject of LoRa and IoT but from previous comments, there isn’t one that has specific expertise on the details of LoRa which would touch on something like CAD.

There is code to be found on page one of Google. If you need a forum to facilitate that, I suspect the best you can do is to post on the Arduino forum and tag “srnet” who knows rather a lot about LoRa.

You’d benefit from demonstrating how the spikes in the PPK graph relate to your code, as it’s just a graph of spikes at present.

As to providing pointers on off topic items, that would rather defeat the purpose of having forum guidelines if we started providing stub articles on where to find help - other than providing a link to Google. And people tend to ask questions first and then search second, I’m sure you will enjoy the irony of that.

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No worries. I switched to a different code base, and it works now.

FWIW, some forums have an “off topic” section… I happen to think it’s a good idea, but, of course, it’s your rodeo.

Thanks for the pointers.

FWIW we do facilitate a number of what might be called peripheral, adjacent or off topic discussions ranging from the generic Library Basement covering a range of industry news and product or service or technology subjects not directly related to TTN or LoRaWAN, but which the community feel may be of interest or spark ideas for others, through the WorkBench where various maker and hacker related topics or various bits of work that might not merit a full Labs or how to story might be shared, through a 3D Printer topic - many users find it useful to print their own housings or supports etc., through… and so on… the problem is having ‘off-topic’ threads for everything, which is were we will direct Forumites to investigate other forums or discussion sites or related, more approriate, technology discussion sites or forums. Often the best place to get into some of the details behind e.g. LoRa or LoRaWAN might be say the Semtech LoRa developer forum, or for dev board activities say the Arduino or mBed forums etc. Its not that we arent interested - many of us use those sames sites besides the TTN Forum, its just that that may do best justice :wink: :+1:

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They do, and Mr Google has a long memory.

There is not really any decent support forum for point to point type LoRa applications and if the TTN forum were to permit such discussions within a few days anyone doing searches for specific LoRa issues, like CAD, would get directed here.

TTN could very easily become the goto forum for LoRa discussions and unforunatly someone would have to fund the extra running costs.

Volunteers to setup and pay for a pure LoRa forum welcomed.