Whether TTN pushes data to Thingspeak or Thingspeak fetches data From TTN

I want to know the mechanism of data transfer between TTN and Thingspeak.
Whether TTN pushes data to Thingspeak or Thingspeak fetches data From TTN?

As the integration is at the TTN end, Iā€™d suggest it is a push from TTN.


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ThingSpeak supports sending your TTN data to a ThingSpeak channel. If you have a use case for the other direction, can you describe how you might use it?

Does this mean the ThingSpeak requests the data from TTN?

The OP didnā€™t appear to be asking about flow FROM ThingSpeak TO TTN. It appears it was a ā€œis it a push from TTN or a pull (request/poll) from ThingSpeakā€ question.

Ah yes, thanks for the clarification. I should have read more carefully.
TTN sends a POST request to a ThingSpeak endpoint when an application that has the integration receives data.