Where is the map of the gateways?

Now that I have not been here for some time, I am looking for the map overview of the individual gateways due to a current problem (no message from a device since 16 days) and can no longer find it anywhere! This overview was very useful in the past if you wanted to align a device with the next possible gateway or check if a gateway is online.
BTW: I don’t like the new lookout of the websites of thethingsnetwork at all, it looks too much like marketing and commerce to me.

Do you mean this one
Or are you refering to a specific area/community? If looking at a specific location then consider searching here
Note if a GW is deployed in an area without a community or where it is placed outside the nominal radius of the community it will not show - perhaps then contact the initiator or core team of the community and ask if community radius can be increased slightly to include yours. If well outside an existing community perhaps start/initiate your own?!

Erm, which new look? New being a relative term here! Latest webview is from around the time of the V2-V3 transition - and that was approx Dec’20 so been a while now!

Admittedly in the transition and during the ramp-down/bit-rot of old TTN V2 implementation we lost a lot of features and information (on the main map and on the community maps) that were community friendly - not least the ability to identify GW owners and reach out for collaboration and support :frowning: - and which were facilitated by the existance of the original TTNV2 (centralised) NOC (we simply dont have that any more, despite comments that we would/could expect to see them return once TTN V3 was stable) but at the end of the day websites are often personal choices and views and based on evolving underlying tools and development capabilities.

Note if GW you are looking for not immediately visible then be sure to ‘zoom’ all the way in as many GW’s only appear as you get more and more ‘local’ in the view, which can be disappointing/mis-leading

Also if viewing the main map you might take with a (large) pinch of salt as huge claims of connected numbers probably/really are ‘marketing’ and likely a desire to shout how big the number is…from community use perspective the reality is that where there are connected networks (often private instances or councils, local regions etc.) these are not really available to the community and the connectivity and peering (via packet broker) is one way - the private networks get access to all GW’s and data where the community is starved of the use of these private facilities. That can often be seen where apparent GW’s on main map simply do not appear when you look at correlating TTN Community map pages :frowning: Key is when trying to debug a node/device do not assume it is available and close if looking on the main map but also check if shown on community map! :wink:

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There’s an implication that you don’t have a gateway near your device so worrying about TTI having to pay the huge Amazon & staff bills on your behalf is a bit rich when you’re not contributing to the community network in that area.

You might also care to look on TTNMapper as that uses the same core GW database info and blends map info of all GW’s with the status of the individual GW’s - based on last seen info - showing online/offline GW status by colour (Blue/Red) -similar to that of the Community maps. It also tends to pick up on the 3rd party GW’s connected through PacketBroker (Purple!) (though the vampire networks dont show c/w the core TTN map).

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Interesting! How do you know that I don’t provide a gateway to the community myself?
I have been operating a gateway for several years. But in my opinion, TTN used to be more of a network of enthusiasts and now seems to be slipping more and more into commercialization.

Thank you! In the meanwhile I have found the missing information at the TTNMapper web site.
However, I am surprised that this information is no longer available on the TTN website.

At https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/map there are only a few of the available gateways shown.
Among other things, my own is not displayed.

My real problem, however, is that a transmission that has been working for months (wind data from our model airfield) has not been working since July 21 and I am looking for the cause. Since I have now found out under TTNMapper that the gateway, which was usually used for this transmission (over approx. 18 km), is still online, I suspect that newly built 5G antennas or high-voltage networks are preventing the transmission.

The information about zooming in even further was good. At some point, even my own gateway appears again. However, as only the names are displayed here, this information is not particularly valuable. But thank goodness for TTNMapper!

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All those enthusiasts using freely provided infrastructure (which has become more expensive over the years) is racking up a huge bill that has to be paid somehow. You might have noticed more and more free projects disappeared over the last few years where commercial offerings took their place. Employees like to be paid, cloud providers send invoices to be paid and for those unfortunate enough to have investors, they want return on investment.

I don’t think anything you mention will be preventing the transmission, they might prevent reception of any transmission.

However, let’s look at some potential causes:

  1. The device does not transmit any more
  2. Or it has been reset somehow and the LoRaWAN replay protection doesn’t judge the uplinks valid.
  3. The uplink counter exceeded 64k and the device firmware and TTN settings don’t agree on the counter length rendering the counts invalid.
  4. A thunderstorm damaged the gateways input circuits resulting in it being a bit ‘deaf’ and no longer receiving all uplinks correctly.

When zoomed out there are no gateway icons but very hard to see numbers to represent the gateway count at that ‘location’. Very misleading.

I don’t, I didn’t say either way, but if you did have a gateway near the device, you’d know if it was on or offline - the crux of the matter is that you are objecting to TTN becoming more commercialised - it’s not - it’s still where it was - but the people paying the bills does need to see some return on their investment which you say is worrying. This is in itself worrying that the community should place expectations on how the services are presented given it doesn’t pay for them.

I’m just getting started with LORA network and I wanted to find if they’re were gateways in my area. The globe on the main website page https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/ shows many black dots across the US and the state of Colorado. But when I zoom in to Colorado I’m only seeing a few, not as many as I think appears on the globe.

Is the globe on the main page not a representation of gateways?

Correct - it is not! :slight_smile:

try thethingsnetwork.org/map

You will need to keep zooming in as many only show up when very ‘local’…there are faint white numbers if you squint showing # of GW’s in a highlighted area but not obvious depending on screen capabilities & settings (pixel density/resolution, colour rendition/brightness/contrast, etc) or in my case BC or AC - no not Before Covid or After Covid but before cataract operations or after! :rofl: :eyeglasses:

Now if only you had put on you own glasses and read the rest of the thread above! :man_shrugging:

(I know you are new but not a good start to self help and use of forum search! :wink: )

p.s. front page globe is what I guess is termed ‘marketing’ or ‘poetic licence’… or in the modern vernacular ‘fake news’ :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply. I had read the above. And as I stated there aren’t many gateways on the map for Colorado. My question was about the globe on the home page which I didn’t see mentioned above and if there was a discrepancy in gateways that would appear on the globe versus the map. Thanks for clearing that up!

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Indeed - I think there are only 3 TTN Communities in the State and 2 dont even have active (visible) gateways! There are typically 12 → maybe 15/16 active GW’s statewide at any time - inc. 2 at Colarado/Bolder Uni East Campus. Not all neccessarily captured in TTN Community areas.

We are the community! therefore:

…is to get deploying! :slight_smile: :+1:

Thanks. May see if I can connect with the community at Canon City, they’re not too far…