My DIY Cayenne sensor sends temp/humidity, the digital state of a sensor_pin and every fifth message it sends the battery voltage.
Now it seems that every sent packet receives a acknowlidge from TTNnetwork. I cannot understand why. Is it the code in the (ProMini+RFM95) sensor, is it a setting on my TTN-console or is it a setting on the cayenne console? Or maybe is it because the sensor changed from v2 to the new v3 cluster ?
I’m not 100% sure but sofar I can remember, before the battery change last week the sensor worked for months without downlink messages.
This data is after I (re)started sensor a few days ago:
Today the frame counter is telling me:
Frames up 825
Frames down 813
This doesn’t look good.
What can be the cause of confirming every message ?
The screenshot is the TTN-console, Applications (Garage1) - Devices (Si7021) - Data.
It looks the same for a long time, nothing is changed for me in V2 or V3.
Last week I only changed the battery and then I saw all those confimed downlinks.
I cannot remember seeing that before I changed the battery but I may be wrong.
OK, thanks for your explanation.
I restarted the sensor 4 days ago and today the console looks like this:
The thing is that this behaviour only is with the Cayenne sensor. Other (DIY) non-cayenne sensors don’t do this.
I was thinking maybe it is because the payload uses analog_input and digital_output?
I don’t see the use for having a data_type for input and one for output.
I set the sensor code up myself in C++ into a arduino pro-mini. So I may be doing something wrong with a data_type ?.
After I digged up the node and reset it, it activated as usual and started to send messages. Now after about a dozen messages everything looks as usual, without any downlinks.
Problem solved but I still wonder how I had set the payload for confirmed/acked messages, didn’t know I could do that.
This seems a valid assumption. Somewhere in my code or in the chain a bit was corrupted, because I cannot repeat the event.
I must be stupid.
I can repeat the event by filling in the downlink and tag the confirm box in the device overview page of the console.
I must have been doing that without realising what I was doing.
I got confused by all the confirmed/acked messages without being able to see the confirmed box tagged.