Recently i got a W200L smart Lora Watch and i am having problems to connect to the TTN…the W200L watch lora info is very poor
Recently, without (SDR) i find out that uses the AS932 band.
And got the info that i have to config my LoRaWAN gateway to
I got too the deveui, appeui and appkey (i created the end device on TTN)
My question is…how i have to config on the TTN side for my BAND parameters ?
The Watch is www.oviphone.cn
Thank you so much!
How a TTN gateway is configured is determined by the region it will be operating in.
TTN bandplans are here (https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/lorawan/frequency-plans/)
If your end device does not match what TTN is using in your location, then you’ll need to change the end device to one that does, or at least change its settings or firmware until it does.
Because it is a public network where all gateways are for the use of all users, you’re not allowed to spin up gateways under TTN with the wrong settings, and typically would be restricted by local radio regulations to a fairly narrow range of options anyway.
you mean that since the Watch is for AS 923 and I force the LoraWAN gateway to use AS923 for a region that is not for AS923, but only for AU915, the TTN will do the blocking?
But if enable AU915 on lorawan gateway and select the frequency bands for the same as AS923, will it work? Or am I wasting time?
The best then would be to get an AU915 watch now…right?
Rather depends where you are in the World, can you tell us ?
I am in Brazil
I used always AU915
But i received a wrong WATCH from CHINA, it´s AS923, and i would to like to do some temporarily tests on my lorawan dragino lg308 and TTN, until receive the AU915 model
Since you are now in Brazil, then yes, get an AU915 watch.
Difficult for the TTN forum to advise. The AU915-218 plan is recommended for Brazil, so its reasonable for one to assume that its legal.
AS923 might be illegal to use in Brazil, even if its for so called ‘temporary tests’.
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