Valid device ID and data appears in gateway traffic, but not in V3 application

TLDR: Valid device data is appearing in the gateway console, but not in the V3 device/application

[I am new to LoRaWAN / TTS, but have tried to work this through thoroughly before posting, please be patient :slight_smile: . There are some more details of my testing on the [ESP-1ch-Gateway github](Which Arduino LoRaWAN library will talk to the ESP-1ch-Gateway? · Issue #83 · things4u/ESP-1ch-Gateway · GitHub) but this should be a concise summary]

I have set up a connection using two TTGO LoRa boards, one as a single channel DIY gateway using the Arduino/PlatformIO ESP-1ch-Gateway code and one as a Device based on the IBM LMIC code example application. I do not have other gateways in the area, so this is an initial evaluation of TTN for a future project.

The connection uses ABP (I started with OTAA but ABP seems like it should be easier to debug first, I expect to step across to OTAA as the next step)

I connected the gateway to V2 and registered the device on V2. The application sees the data payload (a simple counter for this test).

If I move the gateway to V3 (registered on V3, deleted from V2, changed gateway configuration from

  • #define _TTNSERVER “”
  • #define _TTNSERVER “”
    )the V2 applications still shows the data payload correctly.

However, when I migrate the device and application to V3, (following multiple routes through the ABP migration guide, first with minimal device change then creating a new V3 device), it is never seen.

The messages from the gateway are still shown and valid on the V3 console (they successfully decode using this LoRaWAN decoder page and my Keys) but they do not appear in the V3 device or application console views.

I have set up the device with ‘resets frame counters’ enabled, and also tried with it disabled and resetting the Device, which restarts the frame counter.

When there is valid MAC data and the correct device ID in the gateway log, what else might be stopping it from appearing in the V3 application?

This is what we call a Single Channel Packet Forwarder or SCPF - they are not a gateway which is what your device is expecting to communicate via. Please disconnect it from TTS immediately.

You do not know for a fact that there are not other users in the area, there is no mapping for TTS and even then others may not be making their gateways public, so as well as causing yourself problems, you may be causing issues for others.

There are a number of fully compliant gateways around the $100 mark, please come back when you have one. Forum searches for SCPF and gateway recommendations should answer any other questions.