Hi all
I just set up another node and registered it as new device with TTN as ABP node.
It’s just a simple hardware test to send 1 small message/minute.
In the live data console, I can see the messages arriving.
But surprisingly for each received uplink message, a huge (1392 bit, 87 Hex) downlink message is scheduled and also sent by the corresponding gateway (my own).
The downlink messages have RX1, Delay: 1.
MAC payload: 68B601A40E49C1C4BF21A62DC8A04102006C82BEFB0959C93AB7CCD3C1D8B3A484C72E60430520646EB13F
"data": {
"@type": "type.googleapis.com/ttn.lorawan.v3.DownlinkMessage",
"raw_payload": "YLypCyYAEQAAaLYBpA5JwcS/IaYtyKBBAgBsgr77CVnJOrfM08HYs6SExy5gQwUgZG6xP7/s4yc=",
"payload": {
"m_hdr": {
"mic": "v+zjJw==",
"mac_payload": {
"f_hdr": {
"dev_addr": "260BA9BC",
"f_ctrl": {},
"f_cnt": 17
"frm_payload": "aLYBpA5JwcS/IaYtyKBBAgBsgr77CVnJOrfM08HYs6SExy5gQwUgZG6xPw==",
"full_f_cnt": 17
"request": {
"downlink_paths": [
"uplink_token": "ChUKEwoHaG9ydy1nMRIIuCfr//4MpKQQm6W6ywMaDAjpjaCYBhDjtLivAyD42rK/hdNBKgwI6Y2gmAYQ2In/pQM="
"rx1_delay": 1,
"rx1_data_rate": {
"lora": {
"bandwidth": 125000,
"spreading_factor": 7
"rx1_frequency": "868500000",
"rx2_data_rate": {
"lora": {
"bandwidth": 125000,
"spreading_factor": 12
"rx2_frequency": "869525000",
"priority": "HIGHEST",
"frequency_plan_id": "EU_863_870_TTN"
The uplink messages are unconfirmed messages, SF7BW125
Can someone explain where these huge downlink messages come from?
It does not seem to be LoraWAN MAC commands.
Thanks for any help. Let me know if can provide more data.