Unknown certificate authority using webhooks integration

Hello everyone!

We have an integration with TTN and we are using webhooks. We never had any issues until now, when we need to change our certificate. We are not using the CLI and we are seeing some errors in the Console when we use the new certificate.The error we are getting in the live data tab of an application is:

message_format": "request to {url} failed",
"cause": {
"namespace": "pkg/errors",
"name": "x509_unknown_authority",
"message_format": "unknown certificate authority",
"correlation_id": "a50eb511a40e409091247fd692508882",
"code": 14

The certificate is issued by RapidSSL, the old one we don’t have any troubles with is by Sectigo.
Does anyone have any idea how can we fix this?

RapidSSL has several offerings, which one did you buy? And did you install any intermediate certificates that might be required?

BTW, Letsencrypt certificates work like a charm and are free…

It seems that the error was caused due to incomplete bundle certificate, so it was not from the Console. Thank you for the answer!

Please don’t cross-post here & on Slack, please do pick one and wait for a response before resorting to the other.

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