Unable to install private server TTN

Hi guys. I was reading the article about the creation of a private server for LorRa at the following link:

Setting up a Private Routing Environment

I would like to install it on a linux machine. I’ve tried to download and run it as a script ("./ttn-linux-amd64 ") but the result is the following:

ttn launches The Things Network's backend servers


ttn [command]
Available Commands:

broker        The Things Network broker
discovery     The Things Network discovery
handler       The Things Network handler
help          Help about any command
networkserver The Things Network networkserver
router        The Things Network router
selfupdate    Update ttn to the latest version
version       Get build and version information

--allow-insecure                  Allow insecure fallback if TLS unavailable
    --auth-token string               The JWT token to be used for the discovery server
    --config string                   config file (default "$HOME/.ttn.yml")
    --description string              The description of this component
    --discovery-address string        The address of the Discovery server (default "discover.thethingsnetwork.org:1900")
    --elasticsearch string            Location of Elasticsearch server for logging
    --elasticsearch-password string   Password used to connect to the Elasticsearch server
    --elasticsearch-prefix string     Prefix of the ES index for logging - changes the index from "<component>-<date>" to "<prefix>-<component>-<date>"
    --elasticsearch-username string   Username used to connect to the Elasticsearch server
    --eu-rx2-dr int                   RX2 data rate for the EU band (SF12=0,SF9=3) (default 3)
    --health-port int                 The port number where the health server should be started
-h, --help                            help for ttn
    --id string                       The id of this component
    --key-dir string                  The directory where public/private keys are stored (default "/home/omniabit/.ttn")
    --log-file string                 Location of the log file
    --no-cli-logs                     Disable CLI logs
    --public                          Announce this component as part of The Things Network (public community network)
    --tls                             Use TLS (default true)
Use “ttn [command] --help” for more information about a command.

Could you tell me a proper way to install the private server. I’ve followed the guide at the following link: https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/article/setting-up-a-private-routing-environment

Thank you so much!
Regards, Stefano

what is your problem exactly , what did you try yourself and did you search this forum ?


Yes I tried, but I did not find anything. When I try to download the packet tar.gz, when I use the command as written in the tutorial, the result is what you see in the previous post.

Hello, I had the same problem. Replace “ttn” command with full name “./ttn-linux-amd64” (run it in your ttn directory) and it should work.

Regards, Sandra