TTOG 3G/4G connection problems

I tested the EU version of the TTOG for 2 months at the office with the 3G/4G WAN option and it worked perfectly fine.

At its deploy site however, the 3G/4G connection doesn’t work (same settings and SIM - see screenshots). When trying the SIM card in a phone at the same location I have great reception so that shouldn’t be a problem. There is also lots of data left on the card.


Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be?

Do the phone and the gateway support the same gsm bands?

The phone supports pretty much everything there is, so that’s a little unfair of a comparison. But the quectel ec25 modul should support enough not to pose any problems. At least it’s certified for the region here
I’ll test another SIM today and will analyse the 3G/4G connection there. Maybe I’ll find something?

Fixed! Apparently the reception was too weak, so we switched providers.

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