TTNMapper integration down?

I’m seeing time outs and failures across a whole suite of different tracker and asset locators of various types and therefore suspect TTNMapper Integration down - is it just me and my accounts/devices or are other seeing this also? If so will flag on Slack…

“Fail to send webhook Request: Operation timed out” with details showing e.g.

"name": "",
"name": "request",
    "message_format": "request",
    "attributes": {
      "url": "",

Same here! Was just reviving an old application so thought it was just me… but this explains!

Ok have just flagged on Slack #support hopefully TTI Core will pick up - paging JP also just incase problem his end @jpmeijers

Looks like it’s TTNMapper itself that is down/unreachable (per Cloudflare error message 523)

Checked earlier and site looks to be back up again with Webhooks working once more. TTNMapper still showing all GW’s as offline in status, however.

The mapper api works

for me it looks like all gateways worldwide are “currently offline”

TTN Mapper is a third party resource, be assured that there are over 22,000 gateways connected which are forwarding on ~1,100 uplinks per second and ~240 uplinks are being delivered per second.

The ttnmapper just displays old data from 4.Dec.2024 since the website was offline then.
When the mapper was offline all forwarded data failed, which could be seen in the “live data” in the portal. But somehow some services form ttnmapper got running again, the map is present and also no errors when forwarding data to ttnmapper from thethinksnetwork integration.

But since 4 days the map still shows old data and is not usable at all.
I wish there would be status updates from the owners of ttnmapper. So nobody knows whether someone is currently fixing this issue or not.

I hope that responsible people from thethinksnetwork will trigger ttnmapper-people to provide a status about the progress of repairing the ttnmapper as the ttnmapper and thethinksnetwork a working tidy together. I have searched to directly contact ttnmapper, but the website does not provide any contact information.

Hope it is solved soon. Are there people fixing this currently? When it is expected to working again?
Thanks a lot

Really, I mean, really? That’s just complete rubbish. The change in status of a gateway is over a period of months & years, not just 4 days.

Don’t know and don’t know.

What I do know is that @jpmeijers has funded this project for a very long time, he’s had some funding but nothing that covers overall costs & makes a half decent contribution to his time. As such he’s got a job commensurate with his skills with a major internationally renowned company which if I was him, would be my #1 priority.

The ultimate truth is that the easiest way to check coverage is to create it yourself. Taking your device meta data and analysing it with a spreadsheet will show where which of your devices are “vulnerable”. The next step of mapping using a free Google Maps account is relatively trivial.

So TTN Mapper is a major convenience, but given that it is a service provided for free and is not critical to normal LW use of static devices, it’s current downtime should generate more concern for @jpmeijers health & situation than the relative inconvenience of not knowing where active gateways are, particularly as by implication, a gateway on the map is likely to be active and is stupid easy for someone to check.

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First of all, keep in mind TTNmapper is service provided for free to all of us. As long as we’re not paying we’re not entitled to any service.

With regards to contacting the owners, go to the last link in the header (coveragemapper) and use the contact information that site lists. But keep in mind you’re not paying so your not entitled to any service at all.


JP does provide a paid ser, so if you require it contact him and I am sure he will provide for you.

Or build your own.

I have done it for my few gateways.

Yes, ttnmapper is free so we don’t have any rights and can’t expect things like max offline time, refresh frequency of data etcetera. I am really very thankfull for the service this site gives! For me that is very usefull. I have places about 15 gateways, and still 10-15 and later many more to go. Ttnmapper is a ‘necessary’ tool for me to find the best locations for new gateways, and show the coverage mapping data of the new placed gateways. I do this in collaboration with municipalities and provinces. We use the technique ourselves, but also want to give the TTN community a boost.
Is it possible to host the ttnmapper service under the TTN ecosystem? I think it is an indispensable part for TTN users. Maybe depending on one (highly appreciated!) individual is too vulnerable now?

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It is somewhat serendipitous that the very next post is from our RF coverage expert!

If you want to PLAN for RF, then look at Remko’s tutorials on Radio Mobile - link in his profile - which is what I use for planning - it’s a new rabbit hole, certainly two or three afternoon’s work getting to grips with it, but soooo much better because it will show the dead spots before you deploy, not after.

If you want to know what you have ended up with along roads, then TTN Mapper is most excellent and can support / verify the plan / survey you created.

As TTI have to waste time moving the freeloaders off the TTN system, already incur not insignificant costs for TTN and plan their projects months ahead, I’d doubt it, but none of us here can say, you’d have to ask them - contact details on the TTI website.

If so, why did they not subscribe the Patreon?

Most TTN users are individuals or a community in a small catchment area that doesn’t require the sort of mapping that you have in mind.

Your contribution is highly valuable but somewhat more of an edge case and I can see how it makes things tricky right now, but we are only on day 6 of no signal info and we are coming up to the winter-solstice-commercial-fest when only @Jeff-UK with his tricked out car will be doing any mapping.

Alternatives include:

  • Flying to South Africa with a big wodge of cash to press in to JP’s hands
  • Tracking JP down and:
    • offering help (not necessarily yours, but perhaps someone who can press the right buttons) to get it back up again - assuming it’s not a money problem
    • offering to host it else where
  • Roll your own or get someone to roll your own as suggested above
  • Use someone else’s mapper that’s part of an award winning project :wink:

As having some great coverage in the immediate area of an award winning projects is a good thing to advance the cause of citizen/student science, environmental monitoring and education, rest assured you have access to a fair amount of technical resources. As does anyone else doing any similar. If you are using to track your cat and don’t want to own your own gateway, not so much!

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The mapper is online again, thanks for this work.
It helps lots of people to check the gateways and tracker that do not have skills to program software doing their own JSON analysis.

Thanks a lot

I’m pleased to report that @jpmeijers is alive and well but somewhat constrained with the infrastructure that TTN Mapper needs as throwing money at it for more space / horsepower is, well, just the same old insanity (my words, not his)

There has been a clean out / tidy up so some results are showing but speed is more tortoise than hare.

The contributions page highlights the 45% shortfall that he funds. And then there is his time. So at some point the disks will fill, the CPU’s will be hit more, swapping will occur, data will be sluggish or grind to a halt and we can all revisit this thread to talk about it again.

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I’m afraid you are true…
But I’m also afraid that a voluntary contribution doesn’t work on long term.
What about the idea to ask every TTI customer €1 per month extra. Would that be enough to cover the costs of the mapper service? I think every TTI customer has experienced the value of the free accessible and frequently updated ttnmapper. And also realizes only the sun rises for free :slight_smile:. I guess no TTI customer has problems with €1 per month extra. Starting to ask ‘free-riders’ (as I am till now…) a fee for ttnmapper is impossible. The administrative work costs more that the benefits.

Your deployment is not typical. Most deployments cover a one or more tightly defined geographical areas with a concentration of gateways rather than widely distributed devices.

It’s not starting - the ability to make financial contributions was setup years ago - and it’s not impossible, it just needs users who value the service to go to Support the Project – and get their card out.

This would require the commercial agreements in place to change, quite possibly for a service that people aren’t using. With business money comes expectations of service levels and so forth.

Per the page linked to above, that’s not how the service is valued - if you read it, you’ll see that it’s actually $20 minimum for up to 20 gateways and $1 for each additional gateway.

The simplest solution is for people to look at the benefits they get from using the service and to then use the payment solutions that are already in place. The $1/month for saying thanks & $10/month for frequent users is available via Patreon plus the direct bank transfer, PayPal and two cryptocurrencies.

You need to take this to TTI because no one here can do anything with the suggestions.

In my place it seems fine today.