TTNMapper Error: Originating network server header not set

Hello, I am trying to connect the things stack (private but with packet broker to TTN) to
I am getting the error Originating network server header not set wtih a status code of 400 (bad req)

Here is the exact data:
“data”: {
@type”: “”,
“namespace”: “pkg/applicationserver/io/web”,
“name”: “request”,
“message_format”: “request”,
“correlation_id”: “85311f97e99741bbbf73db25a67a732f”,
“code”: 14,
“details”: [
@type”: “”,
“value”: {
“body”: “{"message":"Originating network server header not set","success":false}\n”,
“status_code”: 400,
“url”: “”,
“webhook_id”: “ttnmapper”

I am am using the http integration that can be found in the integrations menu item.
My version of the stack is a bit out of date, but I have had this error since it was the most up to date version. My current version is: 3.18.0

If anyone can help, I would appreciate it!

That’s the TTNMapper end saying you haven’t included a domain name in the web hook message - most likely if you don’t have a domain name set and you’re just using an IP address.

Miss Google provides pages and pages of info upon searching “Originating network server header” …

Hey Descartes! I hope I am not missing something, but I have tried to set my domain name (that my tts is hosted on) however, I am still getting this. What I have tried over the past few days are:
Origin (though I don’t think I can update this)
and X-Forwarded-Host,
All with my https prefix and without. I am wondering if I am just not finding the correct header?
I didn’t see anything on the mapper site’s docs as well, I would think they would list it there.

Not really, it’s sort of a fundamental for internet / http comms.

The config for the TTS would need to have the domain name in it’s settings - as it’s that which is contacting the TTNMapper servers.