I got this command from the ttnctl help messages.
ttnctl devices export --app-id dt_test_app --app-eui 70B3D57ED002C9A9 --handler-id meshed-handler --frequency-plan-id AS_923_925_TTN_AU pumpctrl-m0 | ttn-lw-cli end-devices create --application-id dt-test-app3
INFO Using Application AppEUI=70B3D57ED002C9A9 AppID=dt_test_app
INFO Discovering Handler... Handler=meshed-handler
INFO Connecting with Handler... Handler=thethings.meshed.com.au:1904
error:pkg/ttnpb:parse (could not parse `{"value":"RX_DELAY_1"}` into `RxDelay`)
--- strconv.ParseInt: parsing "{\"value\":\"RX_DELAY_1\"}": invalid syntax
Given our devices are OTAA and the v3 stack is going to tell them to use a 5 second delay, can I just remove that bit of JSON? And should I?
Regards, David.