I am having a device communicating in the TTN-v3 LNS server. When i pass the payload using “frm_payload” its executes fine and i am getting the output.
When i pass my input using “decoded_payload” its not getting executed.
function encodeDownlink(input, f_port) {
var bytes = [];
bytes[0] = input.Sync_RTC;
return bytes;
My downlink reaches the LNS where as its not getting executed.
At the time of downlink sent via https:
“data”: {
“@type”: “type.googleapis.com/ttn.lorawan.v3.ApplicationDownlink”,
“f_port”: 13,
“decoded_payload”: {
“Sync_RTC”: 1
“confirmed”: true,
“priority”: “NORMAL”,
“correlation_ids”: [
PS, I looked at the issue and I can see differences between reality & your code, which is a hint about a solution, but format the posts properly please.
If you look at the documentation for the v3, you may find that your functions parameter would benefit from being bought up to date, and the return data structure probably needs updating.