router update

We’re reaching out to you because you may be an active user of the ThingsConnected LoRaWAN network powered by Digital Catapult and The Things Network.

The Digital Catapult’s mission is to drive the early adoption of advanced digital technologies and LoRaWAN, one of the most popular LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network) technologies, is a prime example of one of those technologies. The Digital Catapult has taken an early lead role in promoting LPWAN and we have run numerous initiatives and programmes to educate and stimulate adoption. These will continue in the coming years. We are delighted to say that our initiatives have indeed yielded results and we see companies large and small and organizations from local councils all the way through to large corporates adopting LPWAN and rolling out both private as well as public networks.

Although Digital Catapult had initially planned its ThingsConnected LoRaWAN network to run until mid 2020, we decided to continue our support to the TTN UK community. We do so by keeping the ThingsConnected service live until (at least) March 2021, when V3 is expected to be available on TTN. You can then migrate your gateways and applications to the new environment, for which instructions will follow from the TTN when V3 is release.

We will also migrate the 150+ gateways that we own to the TTN public EU server so that coverage will not be lost.

Over the past years we have been delighted to work with and support the TTN and look forward to continuing this close relationship.