TTN & Multitech Conduit AEP

Sorry for the dumb question but do connecting my gateway to TTN will enable me to do http requests via NODE RED ?

In my case I have a LoPy/Pytrack sensor, I send all the data into a json file with LoraWAN and I want to post the data to, but since my gatteway is not connected to anything, it doesn’t work (I have an ENOTFOUND error on node red)

[Update] it seems like it’s another problem, I have no connection to internet with my gateway image

For your first question: Yes, completely. TTN provides a package for Node-RED that will allow you to hook into the API without even needing to send HTTP requests.

Once the gateway is connected to TTN, you don’t have to worry about the gateway itself any more - the network will send the sensor data to you. There’s also MQTT and HTTP request integration if you want it, but using the dedicated TTN package makes it as simple as providing your API key, and done.

For your second post… The error shows that it is not able to resolve DNS. Is your gateway connected to your router using a static IP, or DHCP? Static IPs do not have DNS servers specified, so you would need to manually specify them. DHCP will set this up for you.

You have two options:

  1. Set up the network interface yourself, then download Kersing’s packet forwarder script
  2. Use something like PuTTY scp and copy the file from your computer to the Conduit, and then let Kersing’s script set up the network for you. This is the method mentioned in the instructions.

Another question: Do you plan on using the Node-RED that is installed on the Conduit, or a different Node-RED instance?

It would not really make sense to use the Node-RED instance on the Conduit, as by configuring it to be a packet forwarder, you disable a lot of functionality on the Conduit - it’s not a supported configuration. It might work, but I’ve not tried it.

The Conduit AEP version was designed so that you don’t even need a network server - the software has everything you need to connect sensors directly to it, and then process it on-board using Node-RED. If you ever plan on buying another Conduit to use as a packet forwarder, buy yourself the mLinux version and save yourself some money :wink:

Alright thanks for the explaination !

Well my gateway is directly connected to my computer with thoses parameters : image
And on my computer : image

Well I’m already using the Node-RED installed on the conduit, I think I’m good with this so far !

Alright, well it’s not really my conduit since I’m on an internship but I’ll remember if I want to get one for myself, thanks !

Good to know the onboard Node-RED instance works! I’ll remember that.

Ok, so now I know your problem. Your conduit does not have an internet connection, as it’s connected directly to your computer. A computer does not act as a router, meaning you can’t download the file from the internet.

What you should do is change the “Mode” from static to DHCP, and connect it to your router. You’ll then need to log into the router and find all the IP addresses that are connected to it - keep trying the different IPs until you find the device.

Once you change the mode to DHCP, you will not be able to connect to the Conduit using any more. Make sure that you can log into your router and find IP addresses before you change the setting on the gateway!

If you get this wrong, the easiest method is to factory reset the conduit, and the IP address will go back to default.

Don’t forget to put your computer’s settings back to “automatic” as well!

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Alright thanks !

So I have to connect my gateway directly to the router with an ethernet cable or is there a way to do it without ?
(Sorry my begginers questions !)

Well I’ll try that, thanks again !

If you want to be able to use the internet, and send LoRaWAN packets to TTN over the internet, you will need to connect your Conduit to the router. This can also be done using WiFi.

  • You could have the Conduit connected to your computer via ethernet, and also have the WiFi connection - that’s an option you could do.
  • You can also plug a USB cable into the front of the Conduit and connect to it over serial, so you don’t have to worry about losing connection if you change the network settings. PuTTY has an option for a serial connection. You can only access the command line using this method, and not the web interface.

Yes, it is technically possible to route the internet through your computer, but that’s a whole other subject. If you want to do that, you’re on your own.


It works ! Thanks again !

I have a APE version and is it possible to set it up to work on the TTN network? As some of the packets I want to forward via Node Red locally and process locally

The software on the AEP can handle traffic locally, however not in combination with TTN. You could use an node red MQTT node to get the information from TTN to the local node red.