TTN mapper, android, TTN V3 tutorial?

i try to use my android Phone with an ESP32 to map my gateways. but i can not find how i have to configure the device in TTN and how the android app. I find older tutorial but a lot of things have changed…

this is from 2016? :confused:

Have you checked out the ttnmapper docs.

Have you checked out the full tutorial from the Summer Academy that you can watch for free on YouTube on doing EXACTLY this!

i tried a lot but no idea what’s going wrong.

I now have add a GPS to my ESP32 LoRa, and i can use the data in Node Red / Grafana… i see in TTN mapper that my Data is coming in, but only in CSV format. Not visualized. OK my Data is tagged with TTNMAPPERORG-EXPERIMENT. But i cant find the experiment in TTN Mapper, so i have CSV Data for my Device, no Data for my Gateway(sure experiment), no Data for my experiment…

this video? sure i tested it but it did not work, it says MQTT Failed… but i received the Data via MQTT with node red :D…

Huh? The video didn’t use MQTT

minute 28… they enable the MQTT settings when i am right?

Ah, my bad, the Android app. Maybe your network provider doesn’t handle those ports. Can you try a generic MQTT client on your phone to test your connection first?

on my tests in TTN v3 the MQTT topic must be-> v3/+/devices/+/up, than in node red i filtered the device and i have my data.

when i have a look at TTN Mapper APP → MQTT then i see → v3/{user}/devices/{enddeviceid}/up

so maybe there is an issue with V3…

LOL, as much as TTN Mapper is a great bit of software, I think it trumping v3 is a bit unlikely.

Both subscribe paths read the same, the v3 subscribes to all users (not going to happen) and all devices. Where did you find that path?

The TTN Mapper is saying you need to put your user id and the device id in to the path, I’ve not got an Android device to hand so I don’t know if it automagically substitutes the entries you make in the device.

You may want to review the TTS docs and try a desktop app like MQTT Explorer to check you uplinks are arriving as you expect. They are for me using MQTT Explorer and my Python app.

so i work with TTN just two weeks and spend a lot of time with tutorials and blocks. Then i tried all these steps for MQTT but it never worked with the credentials for a specific device. After a lot of searching i find v3/+/devices/+/up and it worked → v3/{user}/devices/{enddeviceid}/up that worked not.

I’m not sure quite what you are trying to say here.

I’ve been learning LoRaWAN & TTN for just over two years now, I reckon I’m about 50% in.

This is a template - you have to replace the {user} and the {enddeviceid} with the correct details. And you didn’t say where you got this from, so that doesn’t help anyone else in the future. This is the official documentation:

that shows the paths.

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Remember that the format of these topics for The Things Stack Open Source would contain {application id} instead of {application id}@{tenant id}

ok i checked it and it works now, thanks with the @ttn id. Thanks for your help to have a focus at the docs. And TTN Mapper works now to! there was an issue with the key copy…

Thanks for your help…

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The video you linked to shows which values to copy from the console, and where to paste them in the app. Did those steps not work for you?

I will try and split the section on using the app out into a dedicated video, which can then be included in the TTN Mapper docs.

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no i am sorry it worked well! i have use another key :wink:

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The video section on how to use the TTN Mapper Android app can be found here: