it looks like TTN is loosing my sensors. I’ve been working this problem for months now, but I’m getting nowhere. Maybe someone here has an idea for me?
I’m using my own gateway (Mikrotik wAP LR8 kit) and four sensors in total. All of them (one GPS tracker ELV-LW-GPS1, three Dragino LDS02) registered with TTN fine originally and were working perfectly for a while.
It started with the ELV-LW-GPS1: One day when I powered it up (it was used only sporadically, not continuously) it just didn’t join up to TTN. I could see the “Join-Request” in my gateway’s log, and I could see an “Receive uplink message” in TTN Gateway/Live data. But nothing was passed to the application, TTN acted as if it just didn’t know the device and instead forwarded the packet to the network.
After deleting and reregistering the device a number of times I finally gave up and sent it back to the vendor for checking/replacement. I haven’t gotten it back yet.
And now a second of my sensors is starting to show the same behaviour: Periodic “Join-Request[s]” in the router log, “Receive uplink message” in TTN Gateway/Live data, and nothing any more in the application. The TTN status for the end device is currently “4 days ago”.
I’m wondering about the display in the TTN console:
Note that the DevEUI is listed as “FF FF FF FF ww xx yy zz” - only the last four bytes are true, the first four are shown as “FF”, which obviously is not correct. Is this normal? Some privacy measure maybe?
Can anyone guess what might be wrong with my setup?