TTN Glasgow

Hi Folks, I just popped up an 8 channel gateway north of Glasgow.

Looking to get a decent range around me, but right now I’m building a new antenna to try to achieve that.

I’m looking to initiate a community here as one doesn’t seem to exist - anyone about?

Welcome - I gather from @Jeff-UK that Glasgow is well served, I’m sure he’ll chime in with more accurate data.

I think TTN Glasgow has a huge opportunity with some demonstrations of data collection & presentation in October at the next global Climate Change conference.

Indeed there are around 8-10 GW’s in Glasgow & surrounding area…have seen peak of 12 in the past. As there were so many and so far from Thames Valley area in a pandemic decided to hold off deploying any of mine in region though open in future if there are good sites available :wink:

In Glasgow you have Uni gw + you have CENSIS on your door step who have been involved with LoRa/LoRaWAN for a few years now and worked closely with Semtech for a time… might be worth letting CENSIS team know you have started community and asking their support :slight_smile: Good Luck!

I’ve spotted several around on the map but it’s not clear to me how best to get in touch with them, hence this post :blush:. I notice one seems to be in my old office in Glasgow uni on Oakfield Ave, which made me chuckle. Good to see it’s a relatively active area.

Once a Community is created then the map on community page will show the user handle of the ‘owner’ for a given Gateway, and the ability to call up their profile (TTN not TTN Forum) and that should allow you to contact them - and possibly invite to join community. By way of example look at one of my initiated communities and compare with equivalent map area on main map (try say Bourne End & Cookham (effectivey South Bucks & Upper/Mid Thames Valley) or the overlapping community for Windsor The main map used to show owner also but that change a couple of years back and if there is no community in the target area its a challenge to reach owners of GW’s placed on the main TTN map.

Let me know if you need help setting up community…drop me a DM