TTN does not get my data (after about 2 hours)

Hello everyone,
I connected a sensor (pysense in combination with a lopy4, both by pycom) to TTN. Everything works perfectly fine and I can see the data in the cloud. After 2 hours the data arrival stops and it seems like the sensor is not active anymore although it indeed is.
I did not find anything that could explain this behavior. Does anyone has an idea?
Best regards and thanks in advance!

Is it still transmitting? Many end devices conveniently have UART type debug output, or lights that flash. If you can measure it with something that unlike a typical multi-meter does not distort operation, you’d also tend to see a large pulse in power draw.

What gateway are you using? If you have your own gateway you should be able to see if it is receiving raw traffic in the gateway’s own logs or in the TTN console page for the gateway.

Has your device lost power and restarted, or crashed / asserted and restarted? Losing the state of the LoRaWAN session is known to cause many problems.

Thank you for your answer!
It suddently sent data when I was working on the setup. Unfortunately I do not know what I changed therefore…

Depending on your configuration, the device you are using, the size and rate you are sending messages, your device may be throttling the transmission of packets,

Hi, I have a similar problem, for which I can’t find a solution. whenever the node resets or turns itself off, when it turns back on, even when sending to the gateway (correctly received), the data is not received in the application. if I remove the node and recreate it, with the same settings, it works correctly again. It only happens on TTN V3, on TTN V2 it worked correctly. Gateway and node are TTGO ESP32 Oled with LoRa. How to solve the problem that the application continues to receive data after the node is reset, without having to recreate the node?

With “reset frame counters” enabled, that’s fine, but the system shows a message that is vulnerable.
But for now, is one possible solution.

To solve this issue you have to save the relevant counters to NVM as specified in the LoRaWAN standard. Your reset causes the counters to restart from 0 which makes the LoRaWAN backend think the uplinks are a replay attack.

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Thank you.

Is your gateway a TTGO ESP32?

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