Ttn cli application import failed with grpc_code=PermissionDenied

ttn-lw-cli end-devices create --application-id “alpenegghausklima-v3” < all-devices.json
WARN Finished unary call duration=58.7ms error=rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = error:pkg/auth/rights:no_application_rights (no rights for application alpenegghausklima-v3@ttn) error_correlation_id=f04e4a6711564652a108d11571eb311a error_name=no_application_rights error_namespace=pkg/auth/rights grpc.method=Create grpc.service=ttn.lorawan.v3.EndDeviceRegistry grpc_code=PermissionDenied namespace=grpc
error:pkg/auth/rights:no_application_rights (no rights for application alpenegghausklima-v3@ttn)

Previosly I successully logged in with
D:\devel\lorawan-stack-cli_3.10.7_windows_amd64>ttn-lw-cli login
INFO Revoking the old OAuth token…
INFO Opening your browser on
INFO After logging in and authorizing the CLI, we’ll get an access token for future commands.
INFO Waiting for your authorization…
INFO Successfully got an access token.

The application ID does not yet exist in v3 but in v2. Does it have to prexist? In other words: Do I need a new EUIS?

What permission do I violate?

Best regards