converted successfully from v2 to v3 all works, but it missed the right frequency plan, i think.
Actually the TTIG uses “Europe 863-870 MHz (SF12 for RX2)” but i think the ttn default of "Europe 863-870 MHz (SF9 for RX2 - recommended)" should be a better fit.
GatewayID: eu-de-we-me-1
But when i try to change it in the configuration "general settings → expand lorawan options → choose freq plan and hit “save”. Then i get only an error “An unknown error occurred. Please try again later.”
It does not matter, which browser i try (firefox, edge), i tried it also at work and home.
It is not a critical gateway, its more a toy for me, to have a usable gateway on my workplace
Is this a known issue ? ( I searched, but did not find a fitting thread/post)
@Ynnor666 Jac is correct, but still this seems like an issue.
If you can reproduce this please file an issue at What’s gonna be helpful is the error reported in the browser (see your browser’s developer tools, especially debug console and network traffic)