TTIG - No Connection to TTN

I have my “The Things Network Indoor Gateway” connected to my router and can confirm the MAC address. Sometimes in my router, I see the Gateway’s IP with this Client Host Name “ESP_XXXXXX” where “XXXXXX” is a number I suspect I should not share. Other times, in my router, I see the Gateway’s IP with Client Host Name “/s2/cups.key”. I can ping the Gateway and see it respond.

When the Gateway boots up, I see the LED go green-red-green-red and then it goes green-green-green fast blinking. I have had the setup running for 2 days. I do not see the Gateway on my TTN Console. In my Console Gateway configuration, I did not use the MAC address. I used the Gateway EUI.

I live in an area 20km from other Gateways, so I do not know if any Nodes are trying to access mine. I have a Dragino LSN50V2 running - fresh out of the box. I believe it sends test data, but I have seen none.

I’d appreciate any debugging guidance from this forum. I’ve read the FAQs and many other forum entries about this topic. Thank you for your kind assistance.

I see other posts asking for the EUI - mine is eui-58a0cbfffe802d08

I have the same gateway as you and the same problem. About 4 months ago I did several tests and I was able to register the TTIG without problems and send hundreds of messages through http integration to a web. For health reasons I have not been able to work on this and disconnected the gateway. Now my account tells me when I enter that I am not the owner of any gateway (“owner of 0 gateways”). Although both the gateway and my dragino device for the tests and the applications are still registered, the gateway appears disconnected.

I have tried (not deleting it) to reactivate it, but there is no way. Please could someone help us get the gateway working again?

My EUI: eui-58a0cbfffe800d30

Thanks a lot in advance.

Is that the console? Or your user information on the main site? If the later, that information is based on active gateways. If your gateway isn’t active according to the console it will not be listed on the main site.

What did you try/do?

That is what (in my experience) you should see when the gateway is active.

Did you copy the gateway EUI from the configuration webpage or type it from the label?

On my first attempt, I used the label, and botched the gateway install by placing “fffe” after the 6th character and also mistakenly at the end of the string. That gateway is in my account, labelled “misconfigured”.

There is so little content in the configuration webpage, that I failed to scroll down and find the EUI there initially. Now I am using the EUI from the configuration webpage. It is the same set of digits as the backside label, except it is lower case, and “fffe” is inserted after the 6th character.

In the main site it indicates that I have 0 gateways. My gateway is registered in the console but it never connects anymore. (see attached images)

What I have tried to do is reactivate it without deleting it from the console, that is, I have only deleted the credentials using the reset button on the TTIG and I have repeated the process of connecting to the mini-hub, associating my Wi-Fi network and restarting the device. This way, I can’t get the LED to stay solid green, it stays green with a quick blink, which I understand means that it doesn’t connect with the LNS.console main

This morning, the TTIG LED is solid green. The Gateway shows as connected in my Console. My node is sending data.

I don’t know what happened, i.e., did someone at TTN intervene? I think for the future, it would be good to know if the steps I took and issue I raised here is the proper way to get a Gateway active.

To whomever might have acted on my behalf, thank you.

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Not in my case, the led on my TTIG is still flashing green quickly.

I have read in the forum that I cannot delete it from the console because if I try to register it after deleting it, it will give me an error indicating that it already exists.

I don’t really understand what I’m supposed to do to activate it.

I would greatly appreciate the help because I need to evidence some tests for my final master’s project.

So we know you have got the WiFi working.

But what we don’t know is if there are any restrictions on the WiFi that may prevent it connecting to the CUPS or LNS endpoints.

So trying another network would seem to be indicated.

And/or finding/buying/borrowing a gateway with a log that you can access.

Thank you so much Descartes.

It’s definitely something wrong from my wifi connection. I have tried with the mobile data connection and the gateway has been activated the first attempt. I understood that there was no need to touch any port configuration of the router.

What could be what is blocking my wifi connection to connect to the LNS?
Do I have to enable a port for the gateway IP?

Thanks & regardsCapture

Mr Google says:

Most routers allow outgoing connections automagically. Some ISPs block various ports because they know best.