Just tried two different TTIG gateways and after registering them in the TTN Console, neither of them is reaching a solid-green LED status. After registration the only things in the Live Data tab are:
Update gateway [ “attributes” ] ← This seems to be repeating itself periodically
Update gateway [“ids.eui”“, lbs_lns_secret”]
Create gateway API key
Create gateway API key
Create gateway
Historically this has been a problem with the TTN backend that required some intervention on the part of @KrishnaIyerEaswaran2 . Please can you check on that now?
The two units I just tried are the following EUIs:
They are the same vintage as the others I have reported about in the past.
@KrishnaIyerEaswaran2 I used the website to claim the gateways and I definitely picked frequencies in that process both times… perhaps a bug on the front end / back end didn’t ‘accept’ the selection?
I can confirm that setting the frequency plan using ttn-lw-cli fixed the problem. I couldn’t get ttn-lw-cli to work on my Ubuntu 22.04 machine, so I ran it on a Windows guest in VirtualBox instead and ran this command, for example:
ttn-lw-cli.exe gateways set eui-58a0cbfffe80260a-3 --frequency-plan-id US_902_928_FSB_2
I don’t know if there is a way to update the Frequency Plan post-hoc in the web interface, but I couldn’t find it so I went the cli route instead.
Looks like one for @KrishnaIyerEaswaran2 as may not have been set up in 3rd party claim server for TTN registration. Where did you buy this from/what sales channel? I see another GW a bit south of you - south of Blencowe Drive - (RPi based?) that is quite well mapped including close into your area so would have expected some coverage recognition of this if its was ever ‘live’ near there…
I bought it way back on 8 Sept 2019, from RS Components.
Yes, I connected* a Raspi LoRa device (which I’ve since fried ) to that other gateway - I should probably introduce myself to my neighbour - the coverage was mapped by me!
* ‘connected’ is the wrong word, but my device’s broadcasts were “heard” and reported by that gateway
Was it ever registered to TTN V2?, If live at time of V2 sunset (early Dec 2020) it could well have been auto-migrated to V3 or might have got lost on the way! RS supplied GW’s usually ok for claiming/registration but there can always be exceptions. Beyond scope for TTN Forum volunteers so you need to wait for TTI Core team assist - you might flag on the TTN Slack #support channel for faster response - link to this thread starting from your post perhaps.