TTIG created as new V3 Gateway before migration from V2 to V3 was working. How to claim

ich habe damals mein TTIG als neues Gateway in V3 created. (Es funktioniert auf V2 sehr gut)
Damals funktionierte die Migration natürlich nicht.
Jetzt wollte ich es in V3 claimen, aber natürlich gibt es den Fehler, dass bereits ein Gateway mit den Daten in V3 existiert.

Was kann ich jetzt tun?
Wie funktioniert die claim Autorisation über CLI? bzw. wie konfiguriere ich die CLI damit ich diese durchführen kann?

Ich war damals halt “kopflos” zu schnell…

Benötige Hilfe, bin eher ein Endnutzer…

Vielen Dank

Hi there,
Months ago I created my TTIG as a new gateway in V3. (It works very well on V2)
At that time, of course, the migration didn’t work.
Now I wanted to claim it in V3, but of course there is the error that a gateway with the data in V3 already exists.

What can I do now?
How does claim authorization work via CLI? or how do I configure the CLI so that I can do this?

At that time I was just “headless” too fast …

Need help, am more of an end user …

Thanks very much

At this point easiest way is delete current registration and on V3 Console go to Gateways → Claim Gateway

Then Fill in appropriate details…Note EUI is the device EUI from lable, GAteway ID is something you can make up at you convenience - if deleted it lost and cannot duplicate, justr use a new convenient name - the Gateway ID you used originally ofcourse can be used.


Then Robert is your Mother’s Brother… :slight_smile:

Power cycle the TTIG or wait approx 24hrs for it to pick up new settings from CUPS server and you should then see online…

Hey, sounds good.
But what current registration should I delete? And where?
I ask, because I think, that you can’t register a deleted device again. :confused:
Sorry if this Question is stupid.


We know otherwise …

… and the docs agree with us.

But you won’t be able to use the same gateway id again, possibly, depends. Just be prepared. No harm in reading the docs!

It worked! Thank You, that was too easy. I hope the LHT65 will be easy too.
