TTIG antenna donut orientation

Hey guys!

I am using TTIG and was wandering about the ideal positioning.
I read some articles, that antennas make a donut shape field. I am not sure in which direction the internal antenna of the TTIG is mounted. I only found in the specification that it is omnidrectional, but doesn´t this mean it makes a donut?
If I am plugging it vertically in a socket, is the donut horizontally aligned?
So, to get the best result my end-device antenna has to be oriented horizontally too, if I am right.

Thanks for your help

Kind regards

Short answer: Yes!

The internal antenna is in vertical position wenn plugged in in a wall socket.
You get the best results when the node antenna is also in vertical orientation (at least for most antenna designs).

Or from a different perspective - NO - not horizontal as suggested, antenna pointing up, but YES, it is a donut. Hmmm, donuts …

You are right.
I missed that @goodrun switched between radion pattern (gateway side) and antenna alignment (node side).
My “long” answer clarified this.