TTIG and The Things Stack V3 Open Source


Apologies if this is a repeat, I cannot seem to find any useful leads…
Can anyone please confirm if the TTIG can be used with The Things Stack V3 Open Source?

I just receive a few of these boxes from Amazon and looks like I may have to send them back…



@benjamin_mukoro helloo and a warm welcome back to this forum- oky - i think that you are talking about the TTS “Community Edition” in v.3 ? ---- or is your “Open Source” anything else ? If not - my clear answer as in all the other threads is *YES TTIG can be used in the v3 CE !! Good luck and thanks for expanding our network with your TTIG. I would kindly reccomend to read the threads about TTIG and v.3 BEFORE unpacking and installation …

If by Open Source you mean the self-hosted free version, then at a guess, I’d say I don’t know because it may or may not support claiming but I doubt it because I think it would need the credentials to reach out to the Semtech claiming server but I’m just free thinking here.

For a definitive answer you’ll have to wait until a responsible adult / TTI member of staff comes along to answer it.

But as Jens says, if you mean TTS Community Edition that is hosted for free by TTI for us all to use, then yup, very much supported.

Hi @descartes and @jensileinchen, thanks for your comments, I am referring to the self-hosted free version and not the Community Edition. I will stick to this forum going forward. Thanks for keeping me honest…that was my last double post.

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OK, I was being a bit cryptic because I can’t give you a definitive answer, but as I was party to the final testing of the TTIG claiming I do know that it involves reaching out to a third party database to change the NS ownership - a bit like getting someone to transfer a domain over by changed the IPS tag. As the claiming wasn’t hugely reliable on the first few runs and as it still has issues, I’m not even sure anyone would want to have to deal with it on OS, even if they were given access to the claiming database.

The simplest thing to do to scratch this itch over the weekend is to upgrade to the very latest version of OS and see if you have a claim button and if you do, give it a try with some dummy information and see what happens.

The next best thing to do is get a book on project management timescales so you don’t end up with a burning question over a weekend and particularly on a Saturday evening, otherwise you’ll go as insane as I am. Then read about research before purchase!

Other than that, as I suggested on Slack, the intersection of people running the OS version with TTIGs who are forum or Slack regulars is likely to be very close to one.

Hey Nick @descartes , just :thinking: aloud but how would it work (would It?) if say use CE to claim gw to get over db access issues, esp if bought through the more troublesome/challenged channels, and then move to OS?

I can see your thinking, but that won’t fly. The claim process puts some entry somewhere on the interweb that tells the gateway where to go fetch it’s settings. So if you claim on CE, the settings are set to point to CE. The OS instance will be on a totally different domain, complete separate from anything TTI do. And no, Packet Broker won’t help unless you put the TTIGs on CE and peer with CE - which requires a NetID + DevAddr range which requires a membership of LoRa Alliance, plus your own pile of EUI’s (maybe).

The step up from having TTI do it all for you, either CE or paid edition is pretty substantial. If you chose to run your own server you have to be able to back it up and know where all the buttons are, that alone, as I’ve discovered (the fact you have to know where the buttons are, I haven’t actually found them yet) is talking someone who knows stuff. And if they go on holiday, you need someone else.

The CUPS server and setup isn’t something I’ve really got in to so I don’t know exactly what’s possible but think of all the times people have asked if they could have their TTIG pointed to a different server and it’s been on the coming soon list for a while.

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Hey @descartes actually you have been very helpful…Thank you!!
I will save myself the hassle and move the application/project to The Things Stack - Community Edition.

