I just created a TTI account and added the discovery (free) plan. It asked me to create a network id and fill in some details. I also got asked for a user id, but no password. When that was done, I got directed to a login page for my new network, but I can’t login with my TTI credentials (email + password or username + tti password). When I try to create a new account for this instance, there is an error message that I have reached the maximum amount of accounts.
Not much, but as TTI don’t drop by that often here you’ll have to post on Slack to get this resolved as none of us here have access to any of the backends.
I didn’t, and I also don’t get any mail from the reset password option. Maybe I mistyped my email address? Checked all the folders and used the search options.
What would happen if I delete the instance and create a new one? Is it possible to reuse the same network id etc?