I have a tracker device that I have migrated to V3. Data are correctly arriving from my device into the TTN network as I can see them into the live data.
I wish to transfer the data into a data base located in a linux device and for this, in V2 I was using MQTT and a pyhton script which is shown down here. This code was working perfect with V2
In V3, I have created a new MQTT integration and change the APPEUI, APPID and PSW in the python code.
I can see that my code is connecting to the server but the data are not arriving.
What is wrong ?
# https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/forum/t/a-python-program-to-listen-to-your-devices-with-mqtt/9036/6
# Get data from MQTT server
# Run this with python 3, install paho.mqtt prior to use
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import json
import base64
import haversine
from datetime import datetime as dt
#from haversine import haversine
from geojson import Feature, Point, dump
longitudep = 0
latitudep = 0
timep = dt.now()
APPEUI = "70b3d57ed0049e1c"
APPID = "dynamitrontracker@ttn"
#Call back functions
# gives connection message
def on_connect(mqttc, mosq, obj,rc):
print("Connected with result code:"+str(rc))
# subscribe for all devices of user
# gives message from device
def on_message(mqttc,obj,msg):
x = json.loads(msg.payload.decode('utf-8'))
device = x["dev_id"]
counter = x["counter"]
payload_raw = x["payload_raw"]
payload_fields = x["payload_fields"]
datetime = x["metadata"]["time"]
gateways = x["metadata"]["gateways"]
SF = x["metadata"]["data_rate"]
y = json.dumps(payload_fields)
y_dict = json.loads(y)
latitude = y_dict["latitude"]
longitude = y_dict["longitude"]
dist = round((haversine((5.626525,4.44700),(latitude,longitude,))),3)
global longitudep
global latitudep
global timep
distp = round((haversine((latitudep,longitudep),(latitude,longitude))),3)
time_delta = dt.now()-timep
speed = distp /((time_delta.total_seconds())/3600)
#print (longitudep)
#print (latitudep)
longitudep = longitude
latitudep = latitude
timep = dt.now()
#print (longitudep)
#print (latitudep)
#print (distp)
#print (speed)
print (counter)
#print ("\n\r")
for gw in gateways:
gateway_id = gw["gtw_id"]
rssi = gw["rssi"]
snr = gw["snr"]
#print(datetime + ", " + device + ", " + str(counter) + ", "+ gateway_id + ", "+ str(rssi) + ", " + str(snr) + ", "+ str(payload_fields))
#print(datetime + ", " + gateway_id + ", "+ str(rssi) + ", " + str(snr) + ", "+ str(SF)+ ", "+ str(round(latitude,6)) + ", "+ str(round(longitude,6)) + ", " + str(dist) + ", " +str(round(speed,1)))
my_point = Point((longitude,latitude))
my_feature = json.dumps(Feature(geometry=my_point, properties= {"datetime": str(datetime),"gateway_id": str (gateway_id),"rssi": str (rssi),"snr": str (snr),"SF": str (SF),"dist": str (dist),"speed":str (round(speed,1))}))
#print (my_feature)
if ((latitude!=0) and (longitude!=0) and (distp>0.015)):
with open("track.geojson","a") as outfile:
outfile.write (my_feature + '\n')
except Exception as e:
def on_publish(mosq, obj, mid):
print("mid: " + str(mid))
def on_subscribe(mosq, obj, mid, granted_qos):
print("Subscribed: " + str(mid) + " " + str(granted_qos))
def on_log(mqttc,obj,level,buf):
print("message:" + str(buf))
print("userdata:" + str(obj))
mqttc= mqtt.Client()
# Assign event callbacks
mqttc.username_pw_set(APPID, PSW)
# and listen to server
run = True
while run: