TrackerD no measurements appear at ttnmapper?

Hi, I’m a TTN freshman but managed to get my TrackerD GPS tracker up and pushing messages to TTN. Unfortunatly I don’t seem to push measurements to the ttnmapper, even if I doublechecked my setup twice:

  • Device transmits messages and last seen is a current datetime
  • Custom decoder added from the dragino Trackerd repo. Payload gets decoded as expected in the preview:
  "ALARM_status": "FALSE",
  "BatV": 3.344,
  "Bg": 0,
  "Date": 0,
  "Hum": 59.2,
  "LON": "ON",
  "Latitude": 54.07,
  "Location": "54.07,12.14",
  "Longitud": 12.14,
  "MD": 0,
  "Tem": 1.82,
  "Time": 0,
  "Transport": "STILL",
  "location_tago": {
    "latitude": 54.07,
    "longitude": 12.14

(location is manually trunced)

  • ttnmapper webhook added as the howto explains. The URL is correct, ID set, notihing special.

If I wait for transmissions that have valid position, nothing appears if I query the ttncoverage advanced maps for my device ID and daterange. Also tried different ID formating, but no nothing happens :frowning:

Any tips what might be wrong and preventing me from contributing measurements?

I had the same issue this morning

TTNmapper has some problems. Donations are welcome.

But I think you also need altitude and optional hdop, accuracy or sats.

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From the docs you link I quote:

A JSON object containing the keys “latitude”, “longitude”…

You JSON keys are different. Especially there is a missing e for longitude. But please also bring it in line to exactly what the mapper’s docs says, so lower case L.


Yep, fixing the first letter seems to fix the issue. As the docs mention ‘similar names’, I thought beeing case insensitive is also covered :wink:

BTW. I asked the TrackerD manufacturer to add DOP values: transmit DOP values? · Issue #38 · dragino/TrackerD · GitHub

It must be the missing e that prevented it from working. I just had a look and capitalized is supported:


HDOP: not required, but always useful to have. It doesn’t contribute much to the mapper at the moment, just a little bit of filtering of really bad gps values:

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