Thingsboard CE Connector

I connected a Application to Thingsboard via Thingsboard-Gateway via MQTT and now i m struggling connecting a second application.
In the mqtt.json file i put in the credentials of the Application, so maybe it is possible to make a connector for every application.
Somebody have a clue???

For those that find this post later on i share my mqtt.json file

    "broker": {
        "name": "TTN Broker",
        "host": "",
        "port": 1883,
        "clientId": "ThingsBoard_TTN_gateway",
        "security": {
            "type": "basic",
            "username": "01-usernameFromIntgration@ttn",
            "password": "NNSXS.RSJNJ.............."
    "mapping": [
            "topicFilter": "/v3/+/devices/+/up",
            "converter": {
                "type": "json",
                "deviceNameJsonExpression": "${end_device_ids.dev_eui}",
                "deviceTypeJsonExpression": "${uplink_message.version_ids.model_id}",
                "timeout": 60000,
                "attributes": [
                        "type": "string",
                        "key": "brand",
                        "value": "${uplink_message.version_ids.brand_id}"
                "timeseries": [
                        "type": "double",
                        "key": "Battery",
                        "value": "${uplink_message.decoded_payload.Bat}"
                        "type": "double",
                        "key": "SoilWater",
                        "value": "${uplink_message.decoded_payload.water_SOIL}"
                        "type": "double",
                        "key": "SoilTemperature",
                        "value": "${uplink_message.decoded_payload.temp_SOIL}"
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