Things Outdoor Gateway - TTOG part 1

We bought a TTOG for testing and evaluation and set it up. We’re using it as a LTE/3G gateway. The setup went without any issues and the GW was up and running swiftly. It ran fine for about 12-18 hours then it dropped from the Internet. We rebooted it, and it came back online, only to go offline again in about 24 hours. We then connected it up using an ethernet cable and let it run for couple days to verify that it stays connected.

Now we switched back to 3G again and the GW went offline in a little over 24 hours. Is the 3G/LTE connection in TTOG reliable in general?

Also, in the TTOG manual I see mention of a cloud configuration/monitor platform for the GW. This was something that appealed to us when selecting our preferred hardware. Unfortunately I’ve been unable to find any reference to how to get access to that cloud service.

Ok, I just got hold of the tech department of our mobile carrier. They checked and verified that the SIM card is currently actively connected to their gateway. So it’s definitely a TTOG issue. Will have to drive over and check the logs.

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I have a TTOG US915 version… can someone help me with the proper settings for the “Radio and Channel Settings” tab under the Packet Forwarder > Module 1 Settings? I am using the latest firmware 1.01.09

What are the proper settings for the " Central Frequency " and offsets for each channel ? I tried setting setting 904700000 as the central channel, but then the required offsets are too far out of range and aren’t accepted?

Has no one ever bought and properly configured a TTOG US915 before for TTN 8 channels???


Thanks to the connected things store for responding soo fast. I can verify this works
See below:

All you have to do is set the central frequencies to 904200000 and 905000000




Thanks for this info Cameron. It helped get me unstuck too.

I’m curious why some channels are assigned to Radio 1, when that radio does not actually exist on the TTOG? Any ideas?

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Radio 1 most certainly exists on the TTOG. One concentrator card has two radios, radio 0 and radio 1.

You probably mean there is no second concentrator card present in the device. (Which would also have two radios)

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Each sx1301 base band processor/multi modem has a pair of sx125x (typically 57 for most bands) RF/radio front ends in front of it and typically these support 4 channels each to cover the 8 rxchannels implementing 1 concentrator. 2 concentrator (16 channel) systems use 2 sx1301’s with 4 radios…

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Along with the previous posts about TTOG frequency settings, Does anyone by any chance know the frequency settings for the AS_920_923 setting in the things arduino library?
I have attempted to set TTOG’s frequencies to numbers shown in this file: however, I keep getting message_format": “frequency plans must be from the same band”,

frequency plans

My Gateway has suddenly stopped working – well, actually a few months ago, but I’m just getting to it now. It seems properly configured …
Screen Shot 2020-09-11 at 3.13.46 PM

and the log seems normal:

INFO: tx_start_delay=1497 (1497.000000) - (1497, bw_delay=0.000000,INFO: Beacon dequeued (count_us=1239450094)    
JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2020-09-11 19:18:17 GMT","lati":35.69403,"long":-78.77931,"alti":143,"rxnb":0,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0}}    
##### END #####    
# GPS coordinates: latitude 35.69403, longitude -78.77931, altitude 143 m    
# Valid time reference (age: 1 sec)    
### [GPS] ###    
# SX1301 time (PPS): 1232450059    
### [JIT] ###    
# BEACON rejected: 0    
# BEACON sent so far: 8    
# BEACON queued: 11    
# TX errors: 0    
# RF packets sent to concentrator: 0 (0 bytes)    
# PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: 0 (0 bytes)
# PULL_DATA sent: 3 (0.00% acknowledged)    
### [DOWNSTREAM] ###    
# PUSH_DATA acknowledged: 0.00%    
# PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: 1 (155 bytes)   
# RF packets forwarded: 0 (0 bytes)   
# CRC_OK: 0.00%, CRC_FAIL: 0.00%, NO_CRC: 0.00%
# RF packets received by concentrator: 0    
### [UPSTREAM] ###   
##### 2020-09-11 19:18:17 GMT #####
WARNING: [gps] GPS out of sync, keeping previous time reference
JSON up: {"stat":{"time":"2020-09-11 19:17:47 GMT","lati":35.69397,"long":-78.77934,"alti":142,"rxnb":1,"rxok":0,"rxfw":0,"ackr":0.0,"dwnb":0,"txnb":0}}
##### END #####

Does anybody from The Things Industries monitor these forums? There seems to be zero support other than here, and despite all the helpful advice, I’m having problems with the brand new US$600 gateway I just bought and installed. Fortunately, if it doesn’t start working soon, I’ll contest the charge with my credit card company, but I’d much rather have a working TTOG.
Also, the datasheet I saw for the outdoor gateway claimed it was a 16-channel device, but the unit I received is definitely only 8 channels (per the firmware and the fact that there is only one radio module inside). Perhaps they shipped the wrong frequency??? I’d love to discuss it with someone, but the idea of TTI seems to be a brick wall - after they have your money their idea is not to support the product.
I’ve tried three different firmware versions, including the 1.01.09 and the 3.09.99 files linked in this chain. Both allow me to register and connect the gateway to TTN infrastructure, and the gateway shows up on my Console, but the outdoor gateway will not allow connections on the LoRa side.
I’ve used with success the indoor gateway (TTIG) and sent and received traffic through the console with no problems, but the outdoor gateway seems to be a $600 paperweight at this point.
I’m seeing this error in the log with the 1.09.09 firmware:
ERROR: [main] failed to start the concentrator
but in other areas of the code it shows that the concentrator started successfully.
Lora concentrator appears to be 5.0.1, Beacon Packet Forwarder is version 4.0.1.
I’ve used the exact same LoRa end device (an Adafruit Feather 900 MHz LoRa board) with no trouble through an indoor gateway, but this outdoor gateway doesn’t provide JoinAccept responses.
so clearly there’s either a problem with this firmware, the configuration of the device, or the hardware itself. Any hints?
EDIT - SUCCESS: The firmware does not correctly set the frequency plan for the gateway! After digging through every document I could find, manually setting Radio 0 to 904.2 MHz and Radio 1 to 905.0 MHz has finally allowed packets through! Please fix the firmware or the provisioning from the console to fix the frequencies! Also, the GPS location shows up in the log file, but not on the console. This is still pretty buggy but I’m happy to have some packets moving through. I am still disappointed that it’s sold as a 16 channel gateway but only supports 8 (unless the wrong unit was shipped).
I also applied to start a community but have not heard back. Anyone else have feedback on how long that process requires?

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Just received a TTOG, read through this entire thread in order to get the firmware upgraded. Twice!

Still have no root access via SSH since the browan@AABBCC MAC bytes password does not work in any way. Does anyone know what could be preventing me from gaining root access?

Firmware Version is opdk-1.01.09
It’s a US915 version of the gateway

So far I’m not impressed with this “Turnkey” gateway.

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Indeed, that is the latest version of the firmware linked from The Things Store:

But I really don’t thing that is ACTUALLY the latest version of the Browan Gateway. I think it should be more like version 3.0, as seen in their documentation on their website: Have a look at the AWS IoT demo doc for instance.

Does anyone have any idea on how to get hold of latest firmware? I think that latest firmware should also have compatibility with Lora Basic Station.

Also, it would be very much appreciated if anyone would be able to advise on how to use TTOG with The Things Stack. See post here: TTOG & The Things Stack

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Hi Kevin, looks like you have been able to set up TTOG on The Things Stack? How did you menage to do that? What ports are you using? It works fine for me on TTN but no luck with TTS so far (even though I have the TTN Community Edition working fine). See also my post here: TTOG & The Things Stack

Does anyone have experience with the TTOG once the Basic Station firmware is loaded?

As far as I’m aware, I have the correct trust certificate. All I see in the logs however is web socket back off requests.

Same for both V2 and V3 (with additional of LNS API Key)

Have connected a unit to and geolocation does not update automatically. Wondering how to fix. I notice a note re authentication, is that it?

When I register the same device to a hosted chirpstack server it updates immediately I notice.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Is the TTOG compatible with Spec 1.0.4 ?
My sensor is sending a DeviceTimeReq for time synchro, but no downlink message is sent by the Network Server (TTN). So I’m wondering if the gateway TTOG could be the issue if hte gateway does not support spec 1.0.4. Do you have any ideas ?
Addtionnally I’m trying to see the MAC message (fport=0) into the TTN interface, but I didn’t found anything. Any suggestions ?
thank you

A gateway is transparent to the LoRaWAN traffic. Any traffic is initiated either from the node or the LNS. In no way the gateway will influence the traffic.

It should be possible to see this in live traffic. When you click the line an information window folds open with all available information.

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I just purchased a TTOG recently, and I got it set up to use ethernet (I’m not planning on doing any other communication streams either but if necessary I’ll look into it). I am able to access the admin GUI and ping public domains, but I when I try to connect it to my private instance on TTN it shows as disconnected and no data is sent from my gateway or TTN.

I have been trying for a couple days and still lost. I have seen in multiple forums about an LNS key and I made an API key for it following another post’s guide but their post talks about uploading the key to the gateway and I don’t understand how for TTOG. I have tried registering it with and without authentication required but neither works.

I apologize as I am inexperienced and after spending hours for a several days reading forums and articles I couldn’t get it to work and this was my last idea.