Yes found them based on your link.
Lowest current (2A) version was deliberately chosen to keep quiescent current as small as possible and 2A is more than enough for low-power nodes (ESP8266 and ESP32 using WiFi included).
At 2.0V (if provided specs are correct).
Specs say weight is 10g but is actually 0.34g.
Wondering about the reliability of the rest of the specs…
Shipping was relatively expensive (for product/AliExpress) but arrived quickly in 12 days. I ordered muliple otherwise the board would be more expensive than the battery.
FYI: B+ and P+ are shared/connected, B- and P- are not (not common ground).
I bought 6 for € 5.81, shipping included (delivery 12 days).
BTW, the model you linked is different. I deliberately did not choose that model because it has solder pads for the battery on both sides of the board which is more shortcut prone for DIY with prototyping PCB.
I was assuming that you were interested in whether people in the UK are charged differently for these products on AliExpress than in the Netherlands, but it was just laziness… I’m glad that you at least admit it.
I am also looking at country pricing - I find NL often seems to get slightly better delivery prices/options…must be that little slip of water between us! You guys often post stuf that either doesnt ship to UK or where charges/timescales are a little higher… That would be what I would look at next if price looks in ball park for projects…when I am less lazy!