The WORKBENCH part 3


85000 mA powerbank pompom with battery management system.
the lorawan part is not ready yet … :wink:

8 amps… no sweat :innocent:


Hi Remko, very interesting that separate enclosure for the particle measurement.
Can you tell us a bit about the results ? do you use a liitle air pump to get the fresh air in (hard to see on picture)


For a mobile POC, I needed a usb keyboard as input device… complete, with arrow keys BUT… wired and not wireless.
And very compact, otherwise it doesn’t fit the enclosure.
This 'search took me a very long time, you’ll find zillions wireless KB’s but none small and wired.
Then I started investigating to build my own keyboard… and that’s very very expensive.
I finally found the right size … in Malaysia , The MC-Siate Ultra Slim 78 Key Wired USB Mini PC Keyboard :sweat_smile:

here you see the ‘cheap all over eBay ultra slim keyboard’ size compared

also interested in whre to buy “filter” part. and how it is assembled there, to protect inside electronics.

In a other post you can see the inside off the “air device”

yes tnx… I had seen that :wink: but of course we want to know every secret he has build in … :sunglasses:


This is the first prototype of our hitte stress sensor (heat stress sensor) for Apeldoorn.
The unit is a Meetjestad LoRaWAN node with a temperature/humidity sensor and a SDS011 particle sensor. We will produce 14 sensors from which 8 will be installed, 3 will be available for maintenance(repair or replacement) and 3 for soft- and hardware development.
The sensor is devloped to be installed on street lightning poles where there is only electricity during the night. The sensor has a battery and 220V PSU and is configurd to be working as a reverse-solar-cell: Only get energy during the night.

Because we want to make the senor as robust as possible we are investigating to have the SDS011 inside the main housing without having all electroncs exposed to the moister of the air that is sucked in to by the SDS011. For this we found a electrical box that is not completely sealed but might work fine for our usecase.


The design, with all nitty-gritty details, will be made available at the TTN-Apeldoorn github.


We solved the problem of moist air exposure issue a little differently, We 3D printed an extractor hood on the SDS011 fan outlet and vented to the outside.



nice… you have a bigger picture ? :sunglasses:

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Try this one. Note these are pictures from the original prototypes. The production ones are much better :slight_smile:



congrats @pe1mew with this new personal record !! :partying_face::beers:


using PayPal is getting TOO expensive imho :scream:

a ’ Splitter Fiber Optical Box ’ … maybe usefull as an outdoor GateWay enclosure too ( € 20,04) ?


modules from China cheap ? … are they :thinking:

You almost never get decent documentation So you end up writing your own
and spending a lot of time finding out what and what not works, what is a feature or a design error.

low pack voltage switch off - hacked from 70 mA to 10 mA

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Well done. We have now for 1/2 year 7 kits running outsite. However with for quality reasons a Plantower PMSx003: inlet via a tube and outlet via a 3-D printed tube to the backside of a V230 connection box.
Condense is more a problem then the in- and outlet of the dust sensor. But mangaeble.

As these kits run on solar power we need to use the deepsleep function. This is a big problem as frequently the deepsleep does not wake up after eg 3 weeks. Reason seems to be the ESP.
Cure: I2C RTC as watchdog. About 15 kits run with a Sensirion dust sensor: no in-/outlet tube. In a double cover PVC 80mm air roof outlet tube this runs fine.
See for more info on this and the github URL for the software/documentation.

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bling bling :sunglasses:

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look what I found in the small joint storefor particle sensors in/outlet through enclosures ?


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SHARK rak7258 WEEK :sunglasses:


@Jeff-UK thanks for making me feel old (I’m 61) :joy: book is from 1978
