The WORKBENCH part 3

A fix? Well, there isn’t one coming from the Pi team in the near future and all Pi 4s are affected by the snafu. And for tweaking the board in future runs? Upton told us: “It will probably get rolled up into a design-for-manufacture spin of the PCB at some point.”

The official advice is to get yourself something without that e-marked cable. An inconvenience for hobbyists, and certainly not ideal for those that bought the things in bulk. ®’

a bit bonk if you ask me …

  • but just now received a mail


They should (IMHO) respin asap - in part as standards are there to be followedand inpart as the sooner they correct the fewer the number of ‘deficient’ units in the field going forward…need to be clearly identified also as you can image ‘accidently’ buying old new stock or old version 2nd hand units in the future.

…mind you 10/10 for the timing of their sales/marketing campaign :smile: - at least we know this one works. Perhaps they should consider dropping a bit of margin on the ‘official’ unit to encourage people to buy that vs cloned or other branded/generic USB-C PSU’s with some certainty of correct function.? :thinking:

I have one. For my RAK gw with RPi Zero. Nice sturdy box. Only problem are the antenna connections. The coax has to be bend a bit more than I like. I have a 90 degree SMA connector on order to solve.
Had it running for quite a while on the bench now. The RAK gw module has the RAK heat sink with the double sided tape on the board. And the heat sink was in direct contact with the bottom of the closed box. No heat problems at all. But then, no direct sunlight either on the bench.

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(1) range 200nA two decimal points, resolution 10pA full scale 199.99nA
(2) Range 2μA four decimal points, resolution 0.1nA full scale 1.9999μA
(3) Range 20μA three decimal points, resolution 1nA full scale 19.999μA
(4) Range 200μA two decimal points, resolution 10nA full scale 199.99μA


Their name is also suspicious: LITELONG => longer version of LITE (similar to small+ which is still small).

Lite: diminished or lacking in substance or seriousness

The LONG here probably relates to ‘lacking’, like “extra lacking in substance”.


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now I’m sure … they are 'normal batteries… big scam, packaging is very professional and they offer them now in a ’ 1500 mA version too :crazy_face:

btw I rebranded them LIELONG

Regarding CMWX1ZZABZ-078-based LoRaWAN devices, you may also try @GrumpyOldPizza’s ArduinoCore-stm32l0 Arduino core.

Also see the following topics:

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I thought that was Mr. Grumpy’s tindie shop :roll_eyes:

To my knowledge that is @onehorse’s Tindie shop.
If I remember correctly @GrumpyOldPizza ported the SAMD Arduino core and LoRaMac-node library into a single Arduino core: ArduinoCore-stm32l0 for STM32L0 / CMWX1ZZABZ-078 which currently supports the following boards:

Tlera Corp


Mine is standing in a corner for weeks now , I ran into a little conflict So at the moment I don’t have any antenna outside until this is solved (if not I’ll put it on ‘marktplaats’ :wink:)


oeps… my mistake, onehorse and GrumpyOldPizza (what’s in a name) are not the same developers :relieved:

Have you left approrpriate (negative) feedback on vendor/product page and reported to the market platform? There are too many of these scammy products out there…:wink:

I tried… even with a photo from the test setup , and I gave 1 star, but my text and photo is removed / not placed which is a bit strange.


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@bluejedi, just 2 minor corrections … ArduinoCore-stm32l0 is functionally derived from the SAMD core, meaning whatever works on SAMD should work also on STM32L0. So some of the AVR quirks and oddities have not been carried over.

Also on the list the coolest board is missing, GNAT. IMHO having a separate active patch for GNSS improves the TTFF massively, and hence reduces the overall power requirement.

Sorry about the name. But my wife says I am “old” and “grumpy” … And I think we all know what my favourite food is :wink:

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That still doesn’t explain the teddybear in your avatar. :wink:


probably taken @ a pizzeria

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I guess your will also need an update then. :wink:

Using that one too, but not for a gateway but for a sound sensor for the Amsterdam Sound Project. Also a nice cabinet. About to order a bunch more. I see on the picture that you have some mounting brackets. Can you give me the details please.

Now would this one be better here ?


[Showing utter determination, evil looks on a Brain Tumor Charity ride ?]

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