The WORKBENCH part 2


When posting Youtube links or pictures, please include a brief description so we can use it to search in these (generally) huge discussions.

this is a topic for the DIY TTN’ers, the builders the makers the tinkerers
here we can talk, show and ask

  • tips and tricks …
  • what’s the best chip for…
  • where to find this …
  • raspberry
  • creating magic smoke how to

so, anything related to (electronical/mechanical) DIY that don’t
fit in other topics ( but is in some way related to building and/or TTN )

The WORKBENCH … welcome


TTN UNO Packet Generator Shield v1.0

onboard :
SSH1106 128x64 display
RTC DS3231
microSPEAKER (for the nice ‘blieb’
TEMP / HUMIDITY sensor Si7021

This one dedicated to @BoRRoZ

DIY Li-ion Capacity Tester !‬

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Upgrade pcb for the arduino to v0.2 after remarks from @bluejedi. Add an extra logic level chip and ground plane.




still running on a single AA battery

diy battery powered mobile ‘airco’ :sunglasses:

experimenting with ‘mobile’ power sources

emergency cooling solutions … waiting for more permanent parts :sunglasses:

cool ! - Scroll Wheel with Navigation Switch

  • U$33 incl. shipping… that’s to much for me… so DIY

update… found some info / code


@BoRRoZ, it seems to me a lot of equipment is designed for cool climate countries. In many parts of the world, the shade temperature is a bit higher, (see photo) and anything in direct sun will be at least 20C hotter. This is why I design my own gateways, the off the shelf equipment would simply ‘fall over’ down here. 45C

well, the individual parts can probably handle these higher temps… but at the moment here in Holland we have a heatwave and I’m a bit afraid that inside some electronics, like my computers and this gateway, the temps are a bit to high for me… if I can’t touch a chip with my finger than we have a problem

So yes … I agree with you, my solution is making ‘off the shelff’ equipment more robust to the climate

I’ve spent more time designing the enclosure along with thermal modelling than the electronics and code. The latter two are the easy bit. :grinning: I’m starting on the 4th version of the design as I can make it better. Outdoor, self contained gateways are so much easier for an untrained person to install. No antenna cabling to worry about, just mount the device and plug it in and it works.

true… that’s what I see a lot here on the forum… all the attention goes to the code and electronics but not to the enclosures.
for example, a complete sealed IP67 standard plastic enclosure (node or GW) with no ventilation at all, in the full sun… wait for it :wink:

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This is my idea of a gateway, well above the surrounding obstacles and easy to install. You may have seen this photo published on the Gateway channel on Slack a few times. This is version 1, required a lot of machining to make the enclosure and weather seals don’t achieve sufficient squeeze and will probably become stiff and suffer from “compression set”.gateway

I always like to experiment with materials I find on eBay ect.
This is my latest ‘find’ …


yes… very nice board idea

I understand it fits in a tubelike enclosure … but what did you change, to keep the temps and humidity inside the tube under control ?

I’ve moved away from a Pi3B+ as this generates too much heat and also looking at direct thermal transfer from the SX1301 chip to the outside ambient air. Trying to reduce the thermal resistance from the chip to the outside ambient air which in current designs this is the sum of “chip - air inside enclosure” plus “air inside enclosure - enclosure case” plus “enclosure case - ambient air”. Each of these thermal resistances are individually high and all add together. The net result is a large temp rise above ambient air temp. Still finalising my latest concept.

what about 'submerging in mineral oil ?

I just love these videos, they make me smile as I’d like to see a follow-up video after a month or two. Have you ever seen what oil does to cable insulation? It doesn’t take long and it’s brittle and fails. If you’ve worked on a hydraulic machine where the cables etc are dangling in the oil, you’ll know what I mean. So no, think I’ll try something else.

So… can you build that yourself ? and how ? :thinking:

have to ‘research’ the basics first

… to be continued

  • update 6-8-18