I am looking for people with experience with the The Things UNO
For my current project (A Lora based off grid weatherstation) i am planning to use interrupt functions to monitor wind speed and rainfall.
But I can only seem to find one suitable interrupt pin on the The Things UNO. I know that this board is based on an Arduino Leonardo.
according to the Arduino website i can then use pins 0, 1, 2, 3, 7
I am currently using pin 7 for my tipping bucket rain gauge and this works perfectly fine. but i want to add a anemometer to log wind speed. But when i connect this to interrupt pin 2 or 3 it ruins the i2c bus and by connecting it to 0 or 1 it ruins the serial bus used by the lora radio.
Does this mean that i only have one interrupt pin to use?
I am hoping that this board might have more hidden interrupt pins that i can use