The Things UNO Interrupt pins

I am looking for people with experience with the The Things UNO

For my current project (A Lora based off grid weatherstation) i am planning to use interrupt functions to monitor wind speed and rainfall.

But I can only seem to find one suitable interrupt pin on the The Things UNO. I know that this board is based on an Arduino Leonardo.

according to the Arduino website i can then use pins 0, 1, 2, 3, 7

I am currently using pin 7 for my tipping bucket rain gauge and this works perfectly fine. but i want to add a anemometer to log wind speed. But when i connect this to interrupt pin 2 or 3 it ruins the i2c bus and by connecting it to 0 or 1 it ruins the serial bus used by the lora radio.

Does this mean that i only have one interrupt pin to use?
I am hoping that this board might have more hidden interrupt pins that i can use

You can use the EnableInterrupt library to use pins that is capable of using the pin change interrupt. On top of that, it also uses support the regular external pin interrupt like the Arduino core.

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