The things outdoor gateway VPN

I’m trying to setup my the things outdoor gateway via a VPN.
Uploading the vpn config file doesnt do anything. The VPN log stays empty.

Was anoyone here successfull with a similar venture? If so, how?

Apparently the firmware version that shipped with my TTOG was glitched.
I updated to the latest version via: (right side of the site)

and now everything is working fine

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Hi, i am currently trying to enable remote management for this Gateway.

We thought about using Ngrok ( and install the service on the Gateway.

Why did you choose to use VPN over reverse SSH?
Is it more easy/reliable to use? Do you prefer it because it is built-in?
Can you quickly tell me, how you did setup the backend (VPN Server)?

Thanks for your help!


The reason I went for the vpn connection is, like you said, because it was already there in the GUI.

We run an openvpn server on our production server so I just generated a certificate for the gateway and it connected straight away, after updating the firmware.

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