The Things Network V3 - API: Not found endpoints

As in here: User APIs | The Things Stack for LoRaWAN

I should be able to query:

But It returns a 404

Not sure how it would handle the trailing / as that would imply missing info.

But if it is 404 without the trailing / then it’s an issue to put in to GitHub

Yup, same thing without trailing /

What is the correct repo url for posting this?


Was this ever resolved? I’m also getting 404 errors while making requests to

Was this ever escalated? To answer @descartes I get the same behavior with or without the trailing slash.

I believe it’s all held in the one Identity Server which is on the EU1 domain.

@descartes is correct. All calls to the Identity Server must go to


if all calls to the identity server must go to, then how can one use API calls to access end devices in, applications?

Because the identity server is based in the Dublin AWS centre and there is ONLY one.

The IS, whilst mirrored/redundant, isn’t a time critical element in the network, so, given we pay absolutely NOTHING towards its costs, there is only one.

Like me. Both singular & unpaid :wink:

If there is an issue with typing the url, you could put some alias’s in to your own DNS so you can call them by whatever name you like,

Just in case I wasn’t totally clear, all the other clusters run an LoRaWAN Network Server - the IS is for login for the users only and we typically have long lived sessions so we don’t tend to interact with the IS.

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