If you search for “BME280” on Aliexpress, this listing will show up also. And it looks considerable cheaper (€ 1,28 / piece) than other BME280 listings. That is because it isn’t a BME280, but a BMP280. This means no humidity measurements. The description doesn’t claim those measurements can be done, it is just the BME280 in the title that got me to waste money on them.
Even as BMP280, they are not very reliable. I ordered 5 of them. The pressure measurement reported by some of them is way too low, the temperature reading fluctuates a lot and the altitude meter is incorrect by about 100 meters.
I know what you mean… its misleading and you have to read carefully but you ordered a BMP280 and not a BME280
the same happends with other products like the SHxx series … many times they also use the same pcb’s with different sensors mounted so its hard to see.
but to be honest … both types are not very reliable in the field outdoors
and I am testing this one
Both PCBs support both ESP32 and ESP8266. Double-sided, one side with pads for ESP32-WROOM-32 module, other side with pads for ESP8266 ESP-12E/F module.